09 February 2014

Final Word

This is blog is closed. The posts in this blog are of a very specific nature. They are all written to assist folks in snapping out of the trance they are in and help the initiate a desire to discover who they really are. No more posts will be made in this area.

If you wish to get all of these articles, and many more in book form head to

Once you’ve wet you appetite for your Freewill, seek out the
Human Legacy to find out more.

Forgive Yourself

Forgive yourself now!

The world of full of various notions of forgiveness. Forgiveness as it is commonly defined is a precarious bit of business - who do we forgive, how and above all when? Forgive this person, or that person. Forgive them for that they have done. Forgive them for what they will do. Forgive the angry boss or the car thief. This is a waste of time and has zero meaning to you.

Forgive yourself. The reality you create is created by you, for you, and it is you that you need forgive.

In truth there is nothing to really forgive. Life is all about experience. The problem in our world is life is all about right and wrong and good and bad. But the bigger greater truth is that life is all about experience, using your magnificent Freewill-self, your Creator Self, to channel tremendous amounts of energy to create a reality to interact with. It is you that has created the “good” and the “bad” so it is you who should be forgiving yourself.

Start forgiving right now:

  • Forgive yourself for all the good you have done in your life.
  • Forgive yourself for all of the nice things you have done for others.
  • Forgive yourself for all of the positive things you have expressed in your life.

Try that and see what that feels like. If you can forgive yourself for all the good you have created you can easily forgive yourself for the bad.

The Harmonizing Statements Technique creates a simple template for you for forgive yourself for whatever you want.

Time For Change


Time is a lie, or at least the perception of time, as we know it.

It is a commonly held notion that “time” is a linear concept with all things having a beginning, middle and end. Time tells us “when” things happen, or are supposed to happen and give us a reference point for nearly all we know. Time gives us dates to align to and measurements to go by. Our world revolves around time and it is all a lie. What we know as time is actually “change.” From now on you will substitute the word “change” for the word “time” in your reality expression and here is why.


What Is Your Purpose In Life

Your Purpose
One of the most often heard phrases of all time is, “why am I here?” We constantly want to know why were are here on the earth plane. Many folks have come to me asking what they are “supposed” to be doing. They wonder if somehow the are missing their calling by living the life they lead, as if all people are useless unless they are either saving lives or famous. There is no “should” be doing anything. Each person is living the life they live because they are choosing to do so and there is nothing wrong with it. The answer to “why am I here” is rather simple.

From the Harmonizing Statements Book:

“In order to put the concept of personal healing into perspective I am going to illuminate one’s life purpose. From day one people have uttered the phrase, “why I am here?” The answer to this question is actually easy. You are here to have experiences, experiences that will lead to awareness. The awareness will lead you to understanding, which will, in-turn, lead to the Knowingness that All Is One. While the basic tenet is simple, the process of accomplishing this is as complex as complex can get. Each Soul undertakes a process of inserting an aspect of themselves - your Personality, into a realm for a given experience – your life. That adventure will hopefully give you clues about the true nature of reality when added to the totality of Soul’s experience. You, your Personality, is responsible for your part of the process. This process is guided by Soul/you, and is governed by the only constant in consciousness – Freewill.”

That isn’t very confusing and it shouldn’t be. You are an infinite being, having an infinite number of experiences, in an infinite number of ways. What you are doing right now, as you read this, is YOUR part in the process and is just as valuable as another part of you playing the part of a human doctor, or another part playing the part of a tree doctor. No one part is better or more valuable then another, all parts and experiences are equally valuable. The key here is to do your part with as much focus and as much “being present” as possible an work to increase your awareness about yourself and the reality you create, then, simply let the rest take care of itself.

More on you,
Creator From www.HarmonizingStatements.com

Fukushima – ELE?

The radiation from this mess cannot be stopped - ever.

The Fukushima Daiichi power plant disaster is quite a serious catastrophe. Before I go on about it you’ll need to answer these questions:

What are the levels of radiation that inhibit the ability of a Human Souled Being from expressing itself in the body it has agreed to express itself in? Natural radiation is very different the man made, so how much exposure to man made cesium, strontium, uranium, polonium, plutonium etc. can a Human Body take before it is unable to properly express itself as it was mean to be?

Science views this question as irrelevant, but I do not.

Next Question. How much man made radiation can Earth take before deciding not to allow Earth to be inhabited by Human Souled Beings any longer?

Science views this question as irrelevant, but I do not.

Final Question. At what point does all the radiation, toxic waste, GMO food, chemicals included in all forms of human life and Wi-Fi, cell tower and others EMF exposure become to much for either Earth, or Human Souled Beings to live with?

Science views this question as irrelevant, but I do not.

Consider the questions this way. Have you ever seen a person taking radiation and chemotherapy treatments performing as a high-level profession athlete? No, but I’m sure many of you have seen someone taking those treatments vomiting uncontrollably and wanting to die.

Read the full article...

How I Learned To Hate Music

How I Learned To Hate Music

Music is something I love, or loved. I was one of those kids who was drawn to music right from the get go. While my family was not a great music family in that my parents didn’t buy albums or wax poetic about the classic phrasing of James Taylor’s lyrics, it was still a part of our lives. In Los Angeles there was no shortage of radio stations on the AM or FM dial and the radio was always on in our cars and quite often in the house.

Over time I began to see music as something more meaningful, more intimate and something worth exploring. By 13 music was as integral to my life as my family was. I was fortunate to live in Los Angeles where finding music was easy. There was half a dozen record stores that specialized in used rock music, jazz music, world music and the all-important “cut-out” albums. Cut-out’s were promotional albums that had a hole punched in them which meant they were used for promotional purposes only and most of the industry companies dumped those albums at these stores and getting these albums was seen as a score. I picked through stacks, bought, listened and traded-in often.

As I grew older my taste expanded with each year. I found Bach to be a favorite as well as classic Country music. I found electronic music to be quite interesting as well as the New Age genre. I loved discovering Count Basie’s work as well as Leonard Cohen. While in New Orleans, possibly the music capital of the world, I found all manner of music to interest me, as the radio stations there was very eclectic indeed. In my head I figure there are some one hundred thousand songs and compositions rattling around. From Bill Haley’s “Rock Around the Clock” to Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos. From “Frere Jacques” to “Happy Birthday.” From Led Zeppelin’s “Kashmir” to “How Deep Is Your Love” by the Bee Gees. I can’t play any of them myself, but my head is like some neuro-wired jukebox. As a quick aside, a local musician named Jon Brion does a performance were he mashes up several songs shouted to him from the audience and plays them together, by himself – one can hear “Kashmir” with “How Deep Is Your Love” with “Happy Birthday” and it is remarkable.

Recordings from vinyl to MP3 to live music in clubs to stadiums, I have listened in all the ways possible. I have had my life soundtracked by the music from the s the Gregorian chants to the theme from the Godfather. And it was all great until 2010, as that’s when it died for me.

Music was something special and then something happened in the world. Music became a syringe designed to open a revenue stream from my soul. Music, and the same damn songs, was being played at the gym, in the convenience store, at the hardware store, at the doctor’s office, on telephone hold music and even on websites - everywhere. In early days of my life you made a choice to listen to music or you heard Muzak – the non-threatening, non-confrontational versions of songs piped into elevators. Muzak was there simply to make waiting a wee bit more tolerable but not to rip open your soul to sell you crap you don’t need. Other then Muzak there was only radio and folks new that blasting radio during surgery wasn’t cool.

Then something happened. Madison Avenue realized that music would sell anyone anything at anytime. So The Who went from the soundtrack of my youth to the Marketing Soundtrack Used To Selling Cars To Upscale Men Feeling a Midlife Crises. Suddenly some horrifying, poorly pieced together Rap song was lovingly broadcast to make my stay at the carwash more pleasant, “and I said, fuck you bitch take that uh huh” made my most recent fifteen minute carwash a pleasure. Suddenly the gym was blasting music, the massage spa was blasting music, and the damn gas station was blasting music! The gas station, when it wasn’t showing the TV, was blasting music to what end? And worst of all, the music being blasted at me for my pleasure is not music that is good, but music that is cheap!

Music isn’t free, so folks who work in the business of creating music to make your Home Depot shopping experience more profitable for Home Depot wants something that is cheap or free,
and will help them tap into your pocket. So the same songs play over and over and over again in the Lowes, the Home Depot and every other store that subscribes to the idea that a shopper hearing “Paved Paradise To Put Up A Parking Lot” will buy five extra snickers bars at the check out counter (that song’s irony is priceless when played at the home improvement centers). It isn’t bad enough I am no longer allowed to think while getting gas or buying a toilet, I have to hear the same 500 royalty free songs everywhere I go! The once innocuous Muzak’s webpage logo is “multisensory branding,” which translated into English is, “how we destroy music one track at time.”

To make matters worse, the folks controlling the auditory hell are doing so without regard the music itself – such as music has become. The speakers used are almost always defective, the sound is always way too loud to be clear and in many cases that Celine Dion song I can’t stand (but is one of the 100k in my head) is being constantly interrupted by some in-store announcement. I went to a major league baseball game and the blown out speakers, brand new speakers I might add, produced so much distortion that the wrecked song was apparently a song used to open the game was a song I used to favor. Every stadium, every used car lot, every taco stand has music blasting. I was walking down the street and a tanning salon set speakers outside the salon and was blasting music at the 6-lane highway, at nothing in particular just the highway!

I went to a restaurant a few weeks ago, a very expensive restaurant I might add, and the music was so loud I simply stopped talking, as I just couldn’t shout loud enough for anyone to hear me. And the reason for this posh restraint blasting the music was???

I now hate music. Once music was done to express, to entertain, to record experiences and now it has become some vile auditory nightmare used to get me to buy more stuff. At some point a musician wanted to simply play. Times changed and a musician wanted to sell records. Times changed and a musician wanted to sell a lot of records and perform in front of a lot people. Times changed and musicians just wanted to be famous with or without the music. Times changed and now musicians want to be featured in an add selling tampons. Even more horrifying, folks will buy a song off iTunes because it was featured in a tampon add!

The most painful part of this insane alteration in the human expression of something beyond marvelous is the destruction of the personal boundary. Not only has the world of marketing decided I must have music blasting at me at all times, so has everyone else. While sitting at a signal I am forced to listen to that same horrifying rap base-line (nearly all rap songs have the same or similar underlying base-line) whether I want to or not. The guy in the car next to me with the blown-out speakers has them turned up to eleven for my listening pleasure so I can not only enjoy his pedestrian taste in music but his rattling doors too.

Worse yet, my home isn’t protected either. I kept track of how many times I heard music that wasn’t coming from my speakers for one week. Each week I listen to three minutes and thirty seconds of someone else’s music as they pass by, some folks are passing by two or three blocks away. Last weekend a grandmother who was throwing a birthday party for 6-year-old granddaughter needed a two thousand watt stereo blasting rap music for the child to fully enjoy the day. What is two thousand watts mean you say? It means in my neighborhood everyone in a 4 block radius got to hear the music whether they liked it or not – because otherwise the party would have not be worth having!

I hate to say I hate music but I cannot find another way around it. Should I decide to listen to the majesty of the Brandenburg Concertos, actually sit down like I did 30 years ago, I will be interrupted by some car passing by letting me know that the new JZ record is worth blasting at number 11. The Who’s “Won’t Get Fooled Again” the antiestablishment anthem for a generation now sells cars to me while I pump gas. AC/DC gets the fans rockin’ for a relief pitcher and Celine Dion, god bless her, sells more crap at Target then anyone else. Chopin makes people weep as the watch and add for a smartphone.

If you asked me 35 years ago if I thought music would ever die I would have punched you rather then answer.

(And this; It would seem the government has used certain music to torture, or maybe they do not call it torture, prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay.)

So, why is this important to you? If you were not aware that music is being used to manipulate you in a myriad of ways you should know this. That playlist in the store has been created to make you, yes
make you, buy, buy, buy. That music purporting violence, gangs, guns and “telling it how it is in the streets” is being created to make people violent. The music added to movies, ads and websites is being added to manipulate you. It is all a seemingly chaotic, but well crafted system designed to get you to hand over your Freewill because you heard a classic love song played over a travel commercial for Hawaiian vacations. Stop and listen now… with this information in mind.

The Language Of Another

The Language of Another

I recently saw a documentary on Sea World’s Orca Killer Whale named Tilikum. It is an interesting documentary in that it describes the life of a captured Killer Whale and his attacks on the trainers who worked with him. Tilikum has killed three trainers while in captivity.

I have heard it said that some whales and dolphins are Souled beings expressing themselves in those forms in order to experience Earth’s frequencies in a more efficient manner. Life on Earth is about experiencing Earth’s frequencies for Human Souled Beings, The Animal Kingdom, The Plant Kingdom and many others. While many of the Human Beings find themselves taking on a body in order to experience prison, or poverty or working in a bakery, as a way of experiencing Earth and her multitude of frequencies of expression, some Souled Beings have chosen highly conductive salt water as a way to experience her richness in a more efficient manner. So for the sake of discussion it will be stipulated that the Orca is a being greater then or equal to a Human Soul Being in its evolutionary process (not a Human Souled Being personality – like your neighbor, but Eternal Soul expression, as the stipulation also states the Orca is more evolved then the Human body expression like me).

Back in the 70’s a corporate enterprise known as Sea World decided to capture several Orca’s from the Sea and train them. One day Tilikum was swimming with his pod when people he did not know captured him, put him in sling, then onto a boat and dumped him to a water-prison. These folks offered no explanation to Tilikum, who probably had a different name at the time, and he had no way of communicating with them, as they did not speak his language.

To put this in perspective, imagine living in the expanse of the Amazon and being kidnapped at 14 by people who did not speak your language. Imagine them carting you off to a world where you were put on display in a bedroom and asked to perform for others. Imagine that as you tried to convey your displeasure you were ignored, yet you were beaten or starved when you failed to perform the tricks you were being trained to perform for others of the group. Such was Tilikum’s life.

Over the years Tilikum displayed what his human “trainers” termed withdrawal, anger, obstinance and so on. Yet those in charge were baffled by this when in reality they simply could not understand why this more evolved being did not want to be in a tiny water-prison away from his family, friends etc. Since those who kept him caged refused to “listen” to what he said he killed a trainer to get their attention. To the normal human, not the soulless corporation, the act of killing was an act expressing, “let me out now.” To the corporation the act was an act of “get PR on this, get new trainers from another high school and isolate him as punishment.” Of course he was not let out. He killed again, and again. Yet folks still didn’t get it. Consider how dense, or mean, or soulless those involved in this entire effort are. Consider there is no shortage of people willing to “train” or work in the Orca’s prison camp.

What exactly would a being who was imprisoned without consent do to get released? Ask? Beg? Kill? How about all? There is nothing more frustrating then not being able to communicate. There can be nothing more frustrating on Earth then not being able to communicate that one wants to be free. There is a movie that is out called 12 Years A Slave, where a free man is kidnapped to become an enslaved man. For those who are involved in this Tilikum enterprise this is the feel good movie of the year. Seriously, this movie exemplifies what Sea World was after all along.

It seems to me the reason this was done was to show the humans who flocked to the Sea World shows that even the great Orca could be tamed, imprisoned and enslaved. Those who sit in the seats see no harm in imprisoning another being, so therefor they see no harm in they themselves being imprisoned. If the great Killer Whale can be tamed then so to can the great Freewill Human Being that you are. Those who do not see Tilikum as a slave do not see themselves as slave and all is well in delusionville.

If you accept the enslavement of another, you completely and without reservation accept your own enslavement. If you accept the enslavement of those in prison, those in poor countries, those in debt or those in any other form of expression for Freewill is not celebrated you accept enslavement of yourself.

On a side note. The Ten Commandments are a rather funny document to me. It is said that after liberating the slaves, god handed down Ten Commandments for those he liberated to live by. It seems remarkably shortsighted, even Sea World like, that those ten commandments do not ban slavery. I wonder why?

The Present Moment

If It Is Happening, It is Happening. Everything Else Is Irrelevant

What is the Present Moment? The Present Moment can be best described using two key phrases: “What is actually happening,” and “What is not actually happening.” This defines what the Present Moment - everything else is not the Present Moment: What If, Should Be, Could Be, Hope To Be, Some Day Will Be, This Can’t Be, Shouldn’t Be, Supposed To Be, This Is What Was, This Should Have Been – I Wish It Was Like This, I Wish It To Be Like That. These phrases tell you that you are not in the Present Moment – nowhere near it in fact. I find the two worst phrases are “what if” and “hope” as both stick one way out into a future that does not exist. “What if I never fall in love?” “What if I loose my job?” “I hope someday to loose weight.” These are all phrases that serve no purpose as they define things that are not happening and may never happen. Your life will improve exponentially if you never utter the phrase – “what if” again.

Find out more……..

Smart Phone Dehumanizer

I am no fan of the cellphone. I had one back in 2000 and did not like what it was doing to me. When one watches the behavior of people on a cellphone they can only come to one conclusion: this really not healthy.

It is interesting that if you ask 100 people if they think those using cellphones are rude the will all raise their hands, and all will be holding a cellphone so when you do the math things just don’t pan out.

I truly to feel it is rewiring the human brain and not in a good way. There are others who agree but, oddly enough, none who work at any of the major telecommunications companies or in the government.

In the
Smart Phone Dehumanizer article you will might learn a few things you did not know.

At end of the article you will find a link to Dr. Deopp’s 2 minute technique to reset the brain, as well as more information here:


Why do humans insist, emphatically, that a completely self-appointed and utterly arbitrary system of control, like government or religion, recognize them as special?

Why to people feel the final arbiter of their consciousness expression are institutions responsible for the Crusades, Vietnam and Global Poverty, are the best and most important systems of recognition?

What Is Karma?

In this post I am not going to answer what it is, but what it is not. First off the origin of Karma is from a religious order. To keep things in perspective here, all of the religions, major, minor and odd (the jedi religion) are the equivalent of all the water in the oceans. The amount of truth contained in that vast world is about an eye dropper’s worth. It is impossible to argue the merits of one version of religion or another, especially in this time period, as it seems one only need to have the vaguest notion of a religious order in order to have your own. Keep in mind, if a religious order does not have Freewill at its foundation it is severely lacking in credibility.

The reason why I am going to go over what Karma is not is because there is a very odd and destructive version that has plagued the western “new age” community. Many times folks would come to me for some healing work and say something along the lines of, “I saw a psychic and she told me the reason I am in the relationship I am in is we had another lifetime where I killed him so he is now beating me senseless as Karmic payback.” The psychic who uttered these words should be charged with a crime and let’s see why.

In order to understand why “working out the past in the present” is a problem we will turn to my dog. My dog, just like you, lives wholly in the moment. There is no past or future for him, only now – just like you! If my dog were to pee in the house on Saturday and on Thursday I beat him senseless over that fact he would be completely lost. He’d have no idea what the hell I was talking about when I said, “Don’t pee in the house.” The past was no longer an issue – he never peed in the house as of Thursday. If I were to correct the dog’s peeing antics I would need to catch him in the act and then correct him right then. See where I am going? To resolve an issue is to resolve it in that moment, while it still exists. To wait for “another lifetime” is neither possible or reasonable.

To really understand why the whole western system of Karma is preposterous one needs to get this:
I don’t learn lessons, I have experiences. Some of those experiences involve stealing from others, or being stolen from. Some involve breaking up with folks I loved or having them break up with me. Some involved getting into fights with people over this or that and all of it happens IN THE MOMENT! It would do me no good whatsoever to spend time with someone in this life resolving (who needs to resolve anything at all), something that was relegated to the original moment.

If you still don’t get it. I’m sure all of you reading this had a 1
st grade experience where you were made fun of. A time where you were so hurt at being called fat, or stupid, or slow, or something else that you want to resolve that. Go back right now to 1st grade and fix it! What are you waiting for, do it, go back and demand a resolution! At first thought you got confused and you thought, “Gee I can’t go back.” Your second thought was “gee, what would I say?” Get it, there is only the moment, there is no resolving anything from the past in some future moment. The past was an experience, nothing more. The past was not a missed lesson or damage that needs to be balanced by doing other damage. Experience is experience. There are no lessons, as lessons are for slaves.

You are not in a bad relationship now because you had to fix the bad one you were in ten other incarnations ago (ago is not the right word as there is no “past” incarnations only incarnations).

Karma is not resolving the past in the present. Karma is not punishment for past deeds. Karma is not what is causing your problems. In fact, what if you saw your problems exclusively as opportunities, then what is your Karmic problem if you have no problems?

And what about those folks who came to me with Karma/relationship problems stemming from past traumas? They had just plain old present-moment conflicts, conflicts that were often simply resolved by simply moving on.

A side thought. I suspect some of this Karma business originates with a group of people who do reside in India. I have read about a place where you can go to a center and give them a thumbprint. A few days later, if you are one of some 100k (if I remember the number correctly), you will be told about your life. This suggests to me that some 100k people have decided to spend some time on Earth going through each possible permutation of a “lifetime.” So everyone takes turn as a butcher, baker and a candlestick maker. The Karma theme could come from that process, but it would only apply to those in the club and not a teenage girl in Utah who’s having a hard time in her first serious relationship.

Divine Right

For two thousand years there was one divine right: The king had every right to kill who he wished, rape who he wished, steal from who he wished and do as he pleased to those he stood over. The King’s right to be a jack-booted thug came from the fact that some greater jack-booted thug told him he could he pleased with impunity due, to the protection afforded him from the divine right.

In my lifetime there was one divine right for the common folks, those not the king, you had the divine right to be considerate of your fellow man. For me this meant thinking about those around me as much as myself, if not more. I’d open the door for others, say thank you to everyone, even to a traffic cop who handed me a ticket. I’d try not cut-off the guy next to me on the highway, or the old lady walking next to me. In short, I spent a lifetime being polite, and now, after half a century of this effort, I’m not sure why I did this.

There is some silly notion of politeness karma, as if when I hold the door for another, one will be held open for me, except, this doesn’t seem to be the case. There is some golden rule that says something like; when you thank someone, they will thank you. Except, this doesn’t seem to be the case. There is some universal law that says; do a good job, and a good job will be done for you. Except, well you get the idea. It seems all my efforts to be a polite person were in fact, just efforts, like my efforts to keep my hair cut, or my efforts to avoid saturated and trans fats. Just efforts. I say this as it occurred to me the other day my current personal failure is the failure to see myself as the others around me see themselves.

Since 2005 the divine right took a turn. Why 2010 in particular, I have no real idea, maybe I just noticed or maybe the planet was hit by some cosmic ray. Regardless of the exact moment, the divine right of kings passed to the common man, and boy was I not prepared for this. The world is some bizzaro, upside down world, where nothing is as it was and nothing makes sense to me.

It is now your divine right, no matter who you are or think you are, to continue your conversation no matter what is happening around you. You may continue your conversation if you are mindlessly crossing a highway. You can keep talking even if you and your buddies knock me to the ground in order to keep the lively discourse going about who you shagged last night. You may keep the conversation going during a concert, movie or even during a funeral. Now that the divine right has been passed to the common man you are under no obligation to stop speaking, ever, even if god – the one who gave you the divine right, asks you to shut the hell up, as he has something to say.

You have the divine right to talk on the phone no matter where you are. That of course is a divine right that came from the cellphone companies and not the distributor of divine rights. You may speak on the phone; while shagging, while on the can, while walking, while in the locker-room, while talking on another phone altogether, while on the plane, while receiving open heart surgery or while holding a fire hose during a three-alarm fire.

You have the divine right to expect, well, demand really, that everyone open the door for you. You have the divine right to demand that you go first, even when there is a line of a thousand. You have a divine right to eat the last sandwich – your tenth, even when others have had none. You have the divine right to eat yourself into a grotesque example of human expression and then demand airplane manufacturers, car manufactures and chair manufacturers alter their entire design systems to accommodate for your handicap – your handicap being your inability to control what goes in your mouth. You have the divine right to self-proclaim yourself a victim of discrimination at any moment, over anything at all, and demand mountains be moved to accommodate you in any way you see fit.

You have a divine right, no, a divine purpose, to share your music at the loudest possible volume so the maximum number of people can share it with you – no matter where you are or what others are doing. This music right includes in your car, at the park, at school, and anywhere you feel excited to share your favorite music. You have a divine right to make sure your ten-thousand watt home theater surround sound system is played at volume eleven so everyone in every nearby country can hear it.

You have a divine right to leave your dog at home to bark, all day, while you are out performing all the other divine rights you have to perform.

You have a divine right to move over when ever you want, whether in a car or on your feet, as the need to move is protected by that divine right. You have a divine right to wear what you please, even if it barely fits or barely covers anything.

You have a divine right to speak your truth, no matter how ignorant it sounds, no matter how hurtful it is to others, and no matter how incoherent the gibberish you spit out sounds.

You have a divine right to spit, urinate, or release any other bodily excretions whenever and wherever you feel the need to. You have the divine right to toss anything, anywhere at all, be it from your body, something like your fast food packaging, or a couch you no longer see as divine.

You have a divine right to ignore the entire world around you wherever you are, as you are finally the entire center of the universe.

As a divine holder, you have a golden rule, a god-key, a jewel of your divine rights, which your must execute at all times or you may loose your divine right. You have the divine authority to attack anyone who asks you to refrain from executing your divine right, no matter how much your actions may hurt them or bother them. As a holder of the divine right, you are under obligation to attack, with violence, verbal indignation, or both, anyone who asks you to refrain from the blasting the loud music. You must attack those who ask you not to piss on their shoes. You must forcefully abuse those who ask you to be quiet during the funeral. And you must use all divine methods of defense afforded to you when someone, anyone, asks you not to be who you are – the divine one.

Now, the way I figure it, since it seems more then three quarters of the population feels the spiritual calling of the new divine right, it is incumbent on the rest of us to take what is ours, to get into the spirit of the new divine right. So I dub all thee who read this:

War, What Is It Good For?

So, why is this important to you? If you were not aware that music is being used to manipulate you in a myriad of ways you should know this. That playlist in the store has been created to make you, yes make you, buy, buy, buy. That music purporting violence, gangs, guns and telling it how it is in the streets is being created to make people violent. The music added to movies, ads and websites is being added to manipulate you. It is all a seemingly chaotic, but well crafted system designed to get you to hand over your Freewill because you heard a classic love song played over a travel commercial for Hawaiian vacations. Stop and listen… with this information in mind.

In the last one hundred years, since the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank debt note, the world has spent some 100 trillion dollars on weapons to kill human bodies. The 100 trillion is really a guess as there is no real way to quantify any of it but in the U.S. the
on-book defense budget is nearly 1 trillion a year so 100 trillion worldwide for 100 years is probably a gross underestimate.

From nuclear weapons, to stealth aircraft, to drones, to assault rifles, to chemical weapons to some really scary electronic weapons. It has all been designed, manufactured and in a great many cases used on the population that created the weapons. Officially there have been some 200 million dead in the last 100 years due to this effort and untold damage in other ways.

These truths are not new of course, but today’s question is this: Why do the Earther Human Body expression so gleefully and diligently pay for, and produce, the very weapons used to control and kill them?

An assault rifle is created by Joe Smith in a factory in small town America to be used on Joe Smith’s cousin should he get out of line. Should Joe get out of line, the bullet will be used on him. 100 trillion dollars, a near infinite amount of energy, has been spent by the people of the planet creating weapons of control or death by them
to be used on them.

Even more disturbing is the waste issue. Nuclear power was created as a rouse to get the populace to pay for and create the materials for nuclear weapons. The intended creation of nuclear power plants was not power, but weapons grade material. Now, the waste from those creations, but the bombs, the tests and the plants is poisoning the planet at an alarming rate and yet of that 100 trillion very little if any has been spent protecting the world from the waste. So not only have we agreed to pay for and build the weapons of our demise, we’ve been forced to live in the toxic waste created by the effort.

No politician, or king, has every built an armory himself.

Why do humans so readily build their own prisons, their own tools of enslavement without so much as a second thought?

I Am Spoiled

I was born and raised in Los Angeles. This gave me privilege I never really understood. In fact the area I lived in was special even by special standards. A friend of mine who was raised 20 miles or so north said that he desperately wants to hang in our area. Due to my location in the world I had access to nearly everything, dozens of radio stations, countless great restaurants (a types of food) a dozen TV stations, countless film and live theater venues and the great physical attributes CA had to offer.

But this post is not about the area it is about how I perceived things. I knew certain people and places existed in the world that were not as evolved as my world. But these things were abstract. When I was a 7 my mother said to me “who do you want to invite to your party” and I said, “the kid with the red sweater on” and she was surprised I didn’t say the “black kid.” I saw differences in people but those differences were simply differences in the way they expressed themselves, the idea of some giant social class division was preposterous to me. A British friend once tried to describe the class system that still exists there today and I was lost as this just seemed beyond stupid.

A few months back I drove through a small town where few friends I once had were from. As I drove through the small town I wondered where they got their music from? I had dozens of retail stores, dozens of radio stations to find music but they had none. It struck as I remembered them telling me they bought things from the Sears catalogue at a lot, while had an infinite number of retail stores selling things from all over the world to buy things from. I have never known what it was like to live in a cultural void.

I lived in New Orleans for a while and I noticed that people were different. It seemed to me they had heard there was a pacific ocean but they didn’t know it existed; there is a difference. But I shrugged it off as that was just how they were and most of the folks were fine to me.

For years I’ve heard the rhetoric of politicians on the topic of middle America and the bible belt etc. I chalked all that up to politicians needing to find some way to reduce the people they will fleece to bumper sticker memes. I dismissed all of that silliness, as it seems to me that people were pretending to be ignorant and stupid just to be voted for.

Then this:

I have no way to verify the veracity of this “document.” I found it in the vast wasteland of the Internet. At first glance this test made no sense to me, as the questions were without reason and the answers were even worse. I couldn’t see how the answers were “right” under any circumstances. This examination of intelligence was a foreign language to me, a language I could not understand.

Upon seeing this document I was silenced, yes I was stopped in my tracks. Even through the appalling educational system I went through I was never exposed to anything like this. Even the handful of times something this preposterous was presented to me I laughed it off and dismissed the entire effort. But what if I was limited in my connection to the outside world? What if I had no way of going to the UCLA research library, the Los Angeles Library, or even speaking with people from 50 countries in my area? Right now my the guy who cuts my hair is from Hong Kong, my neighbor is from Australia, my good friend is from France, the guys who moved me recently were from Siberia, and another good friend is from Siberia via displacement from Poland during the war! My gardener is from Mexico City, my best friend growing up was Japanese-American (or Asian/European) and my dog’s breed is from a small Korean island called Jindo. This is my world, for good or ill.

What if this test, and the information leading to it, was all I knew? And what if through the process of this education I was discouraged from seeking anything beyond this? What if someone during this education told me, “Chinese people can’t cut hair?” What if they told me that, “Mexican’s can’t do landscaping?” What if they told me, “people who lived in Siberia were criminals?”

When I grew up I was exposed to theater, film, the ocean, the mountains, every sport available, and every nationality. Concerts came to me. There wasn’t any substantial limitation in my world. Hell, one of my classmates in second grade was gay and it wasn’t worth considering as remotely important. I was a spoiled brat and I didn’t know it. Don’t get me wrong, as it was not about money, we were not rich at all, but more about the geography that gave me access to so much I never saw as special. Look up the great Bob Baker Marionette Studio and know that in the 60’s I went there often. I once saw a replay of the 1972 NBA All Star game and realized I was at that game as child. I have skied and surfed on the same day, Christmas day no less.

This test hit me in a way nothing recently has. What we do to each other is appalling, indescribable on some many levels. It is easy for me to say, “these hicks and their religion” but that isn’t about this. I can see in that test that there will be no inclusion of life beyond the little world that test represents. There will be no “hey, get out there and see the world kid because it is huge.” And most difficult for me to take is the fact that there will be no, “kid, did you know you are Freewill, a timeless being of immense power?”

After leaving Earth I would not know how to begin my report: Well, you’re not going to believe this but it seems that those in charge of “education” deliberately make people ignorant of the whole of the Earth plane, forget about the rest of consciousness and they do this because the few in charge think controlling others is good, or cool, or something. And it gets worse, way worse…

Medical Confusion

Recently several people I know have left the Earth. While on Earth they manifested cancer – cancer is never the “cause” of death, choice is the cause. While experiencing cancer they also experienced “treatment” which seemed way worse then the ailment and I wondered if vacating the Earth might not have been hastened in order to escape the treatment.

I read a recent survey that said that most doctors would not take the treatments they prescribed for cancer. Not surprising.

It got me thinking. Were I to swallow many “cancer treatments” by accident at my home it would be poison. My friend’s dog swallowed his cancer treatment and 15k later the dog was barely alive. Yet, because that same chemical is injected at an office it is “medicine?” Were I to have the radiation machine they use for cancer treatment at my home it would be illegal and very, very dangerous for my health. Yet receiving radiation treatment at an office is considered medicine? Certain chemicals used in the treatment of cancer require the patient to stay away from others, lest they injure the anyone who isn’t containing the treatment in their body. Again, if the patient has it, it is treatment, but if another non-patient were to get near it, it would be poison? The most common sense approach to health is one must build up the immune system in order to defeat any invaders. In fact, it is your immune system that has access to all parts of your body – no chemical agent does. Yet, cancer is a special ailment that requires one to destroy the immune system in order to… well I’m not sure what the point is, as the mental gymnastics needed to make that equation work are above my pay grade.

The EPA says that mercury in any form is a serious environmental hazard; Mercury is very bad news according to the government’s most powerful agency. Yet in a Dentist office good old mercury is medicine? The effects of mercury on us and the Earth a serious issue – mad hatters disease was due to mercury in hats, yet in order to save the Earth from us humans we have decided that MORE mercury in homes and landfills is go-green-good for the environment? I ask, how is it that mercury lighting your home is green and healthy when that same mercury in the landfill will get the EPA to fine you into oblivion?

Fluoride is also seen as an EPA poison. Were I to happen upon a barrel by the side of the road it would be considered really unhealthy for me to take a swig. Yet, putting huge quantities of fluoride in the water and swallowing it is considered medicine? The toothpaste container containing fluoride says to call an emergency disease center if you swallow the paste, yet it is not considered toxic to brush your teeth with it?

The Question:
Why are the embodied Human-Beings so prone to seeing something as being a medicine and a poison at the same time without any conflict?

In keeping with the medical theme this post will have two questions.

Question 2

This one is a truth that is hard to reconcile. Ages ago my father chose to manifest an odd disease. It was odd in that it usually afflicted younger women, not older men. I recall Carolyn Myss’ assessment of “scleroderma” as being spot on for him. As a result the family was involved in the world of charity fund raising to find a cure. There were two competing, warring, factions involved in the race to a cure. This is not uncommon as you can see this of course in cancer; AIDS, MS cure chasing as well. What I found impossible to grasp was that these folks were raising money, and a lot of it, to give to some University or research lab in order for them to develop a “treatment” (cures are against the law). While that part made some sense to me, the fact that once this “treatment” was developed it was then going to be sold to a pharmaceutical company, which was going to then sell the treatment at an exorbitant rate to the very people who donated in the first place. There was little chance my father was going to get a discount for the countless dollars that when to employ these technicians.

What I could see in the process that donating money meant that one day you were going to have to pay for a treatment you were working to develop by your donations so it had to pay off for the company that was going to patent the treatment. If the lab or University discovered eating 20 apples a day would cure the disease I doubt the information would be released. If the lab or University developed a 1000k dollar a month treatment, like the original “AIDS cocktail” it would then be patented by chemical company x, and I know the information would be released and the treatment sold to all the charitable donors at full price.

What is going on when the process of charitable donation, a positive effort if there ever was one, is rewarded with singular ownership of the communal effort? What is going on when that patented treatment is to be sold to those who can pay – the opposite of what the charitable process was all about in the first place? Is our inherent need to assist being exploited by those who crave control and ownership over all things? Did the Native Americans patent the medicine man’s treatments
and sell them off to the tribal members who could afford it? Do the aboriginals, those left, hoard treatments and dole them out to only those who deserve it?

Three New Books

Three New Books

After a long hiatus, I have three new books to offer.

Absolute Empowerment. This book takes you on a journey unlike any other book available. You will teach yourself the truth about your energy and what you can be doing with it using the simple, but powerful techniques. Everyone I have ever worked with has wanted to know the answer to “why.’ You name the issue and “why” is a central concern. In this book you will find out the final answer to “why” and you will find out why the “why” does not really matter. After completing the simple exercises you will discover the truth about who you are by finding out the power of your Creator-Self and the Freewill that is that part of you.

The Harmonizing Statements. This book is the companion book the website of the same name. In this book you will find out how to manipulate your reality. You will find out exactly how you created the reality you interact with and by using the simple tools you will see new ways to manipulate that reality. This simple system is one that anyone can do, once you understand that you project the reality you interact with you will begin manage you life in an entirely new way. This book has new material and new suggested uses for the technique.

Increase Awareness. This book is a collection of articles, tips and thoughts on healing, life and other things I have determined might be of some interest. There are articles on Money, Relationships, Healing, The Body and over 30 more articles. Some of the information will help fill out areas of interest not covered by Absolute Empowerment, and The Harmonizing Statements.

The book and DVD, Universe, The Operating System
is coming soon. This project is designed around a technique I created to show you how the Universe operates. It is not about how aspects of the Universe operate, like Earth, or 11th Density, but the Operating System behind how the entire system works - the OS of our Universe. The DVD is of a seminar I did with several folks who were kind enough to allow me to experiment on them. The results were quite interesting. The DVD is laid out so you too may experience the techniques just like those at the seminar, it is an interactive experience not a static one. The final piece to the seminar will show you how to access your Heart Center in order to view your entire reality in a new way, even see things you thought you could not see.

The books are available in full color PDF form. It is STRONGLY recommended that you print them out to read them. If this is not possible, the PDF will look fine on your computer or tablet.

There are new pendant designs. Nancy Reid has created a line of necklaces that really show off the Resonator Pendants and enhance their effectiveness. The pendants have the same protection power, but in some flashy new designs. The traditional designs are still available, as well as the Quantum Harmonizer House systems. www.33shimmeringlights.com


Every person should know about money, in particular fiat currency. If you went to public school this topic was avoided on purpose, so you are forgiven for not having learned in school. But… after you got out of school and started dealing money, debt, credit cards and so on you should have thought to find out all about money.

To start here are two truism’s about rich people: 1. Rich people do not get rich by spending money. They never spend money on stupid things. A rich person will not spend 1000 dollars monthly on a car payment and live in an 800 apartment. Rich people do not buy crap because advertising tells them to. So, rich people do not spend money to get rich. 2. Rich people use other people’s money to get rich, not their own. In fact, most often the use the money of the guy willing to spend 1k on a car while living in a dump.


1: A bank has 100 dollars in deposits from their customers. The bank loans out 100,000 dollars to 10 different people who want to borrow money for a house. Where did the 100,000 dollars come from?

2. On its 100,000 dollar investment the bank expects to get a return of 300,000 dollars of compound interest from these borrows. Where does the 300,000 dollars come from? In this case I do not mean which people, or via what mechanism, I mean where does the interest money itself come from?

My guess is few if any answered the question properly and it is the second question that is most important.

Find out the answer

10 Things You Can Do To Change Things

10 Things

Here are ten things you can do to change your life now. You can ill afford to spend energy in places where there is not rate of return. Remember, big things are happening all around us, the Universe is changing: watch, listen, be patient and please shoot your TV.

  • 1. Do not have a significant or important conversation on a cell phone. Limit you cell phone conversations to the absolute minimum. Use a headset if you must use the cell phone. The cellular damage to your brain is immense from only 2 minutes on it.
  • 2. Do not have a significant or important conversations while, or immediately after, watching television. NO ONE should sleep with a television in their bedroom. The TV will radically change your perceptions and never for the good. Do not work, cook read or do anything while you “watch” TV. If you chose to watch it, make it a conscious, sitting up, focused thing.
  • 3. Set your Intent, before you do anything at all. Ask what am I getting out of the action or event before you do it.
  • 4. Make this you constant motto: If the only reason I am resistant to doing “this” is fear, I must do it. If after careful evaluation, fear is the only reason you come up with for not wanting to experience an event, you must do it. Plain fear is not a viable excuse ever.
  • 5 Break old patterns by stopping them for one week. If you start off conversations by apologizing for yourself, you must stop if for one week. If you are late everywhere you go, you must stop it for one week. If you justify everything you do or don’t do, either externally or internally (conversations in your head), you have to stop it for one week. Break the pattern and observe the changes. Catch yourself before you finish a counterproductive thought and replace it with the opposite. Stop bitching for one week, see what happens. Be present in all your actions, thoughts and interactions, and stop the negative ones in their tracks.
  • 6. Take on an extensive detox or cleanse of your body. Blessed herbs detox, is a great start but you can do it anyway you like. 3 days minimum, 5 days or more is best. See how your world revolves around food, and what kind of food. Fasting and detoxing brings you right back into your body. You control your body, food/chemicals/cigarettes/sugar do not control you. Fast and find out whose in charge.
  • 7. Do something new, something you have always wanted to do. Challenge yourself. Pick one project, or event, or experience, betray your resistance and go for it. See it through to a conclusion that is meaningful to you. Do something for no reason other than you want to.
  • 8. If you have difficulties with a family member, friend or other person, try not interacting with that person for 10 days and note, objectively how you feel. Change the nature of the relationship, it will either be fine or not, but you will be fine. Soul says so.
  • 9. Do something special for yourself without justifying it based on need/expense or desirability. Be reasonable here.
  • 10. Remind yourself everyday that you are here to learn more about yourself and your environment, and notice how everything you do adds to that goal. Notice what is “really” happening in your world, not what you perceive but what is actually happening by focusing on it. Learn.

What Animates The Body?

Do you know that animates the bodies you see all around you? You should as if you are reading this you are probably in a body and something is going on there.

What animates the body? If you are a person that believes that a body is a body and there is nothing more to us, then that I am about to suggest will not be relevant. But if you are a person that knows you are part of something more then your body, part of a complex system of awareness, then this might be interesting.

CS Lewis quote fits nicely here: “You do not have a soul, you are soul, you have a body.” The animating energy is that which allows the body to exist on Earth, in the form you see in the mirror.

Most people believe that every “Soul” is the same. They figure that if a body is walking around on the planet, the energy that animates it is just like all the other bodies. Sadly this isn’t true. Before we get into that, we first have to establish what is going on with a body.

A body is a temporary condition as many of you know. You are born, you live, then you die – we all do it. Prior to arriving on Earth you agree to terms with Earthly parents, some folks who agree to do the biological deed needed to create an Earth body for you. One conception has happened, the body is created for you by mom, taking some nine months to happen.

There are two things to note about this experience. The first, the body isn’t yours until you occupy it, and that does not happen until you are actually born onto the Earth-plane, the moment of birth.

Find out more...

Rule Of Three

Rule of Three
It has been my experience that the personal connection to something can be divided up into thirds, in a group setting or a personal setting. If we take a piece of music, a book, a type of food, or anything at all, we’ll see ones connection to it in a break down of thirds: one third of the people will favor it, one third will be neutral and one third will dislike it. What does this mean?

Well first we can look at the way we experience something new. For most of us we have a very distinct pattern to engaging something new. I call it the three “R’s”. When we listen to a piece of music for the first time we React. The newness has us reacting to the introduction to make sure the new music is not a problem for us. The second listening will produce the second R, or a reduction in our Resistance. This is where we begin to be more open to the piece. Our third time listening to the music has us Responding.

I find that this same pattern will repeat as much with food or anything else really. I React the first time I try a new food, or try on a new pair of shoes. By the third time my protection mechanism has be reduced enough to let me Respond in a way that is more grounded, more open, more in alignment with proper discernment. If I find that after the third time eating brussle sprouts I still do not like them, I probably do not like them

I find you can do deeper into this. I find that on any topic, death penalty, nuclear war, rap music, you will find about 1/3 of the people in favor, 1/3 neutral and 1/3 will dislike the given topic. What is so interesting about this pattern is that almost invariably the third that likes pop song A, will try to convince the third that do not like pop song A to like it. One has to wonder why, when there are 2/3 of the people who will either favor pop song A or are neutral about it.

I find it fascinating that the biggest arguments are to be had amongst those who are never going to change their mind about a given topic. What is more interesting is how much energy is spent by those on one side trying to convert those who diametrically oppose them. It never occurs to the zealot that they have 1/3 of the populace on their side and a whole lot of neutral folks who may be favoring them. There are few if any arguments to be had with the neutral folks, and only arguments to be had with the diametrically opposed. Yet, the conquest seems to be the goal in those arguments, submission is the real pursuit.

If you read my work on Insecurity, you would know that those who seek to beat the opposition into submission are the insecure and not the secure. So in some ways, the neutral folks are the most balanced.

Conclusion here: When you see a battle of opposition, ignore it. When you try something new, try it three times before you reject it.

The Learn-Do

At no time in history did we learn things on the fly in the way we do today. I call the process of learning as we actually do things the “learn-do.” And it has it good points and its bad points.

Right now I am writing a post on an Internet website using a program I just bought. I have no time to fully learn the program so I jumped right in and started writing and learning at the same time. I can’t figure things out half the time, what makes sense to me does not to the person who wrote the code. But I can see my vision, such as it is, come to fruition in weeks.

I have written three books having done everything myself. I needed images so I had to learn-do Photoshop, book formatting, editing and cover design. I recently had to do work in my car for a bit and I needed to learn-do there too as my current car has very little resemblance to those I have worked on in the past.

When I was young, a cliché I know, if I decided to learn how to building something I studied the process for a while. I learned to do nearly all aspects of plumbing by working with a friend. I learned how to paint by working with paints, canvas and so on. I learned to work in engines by taking them apart, over the course of weeks or months. Most of us learned by taking classes, learning from a friend, and took the time to practice and so on. Now it seems there is no time for that.

Sure the world of computer programming suggests that there is a need for a new “app” every week and those addicted to such things have keep up, but this is more about a mentality of the consciousness process. My friend is a TV and Film producer and editor. It seems every six months he’s spending time learning a new system. He has hundreds of cables that are barely a decade old and all completely obsolete. In the last decade I’ve seen his edit suite go from a room to a laptop. And with each successive upgrade he’s learning again – there is no way to get ahead.

Two years ago I bought some paint to paint my walkway. The paint was a special color mix in a particular type of epoxy. When it came time to paint another area to match I needed more paint. Not only did the store not carry the paint anymore, the counter person had no idea, zero, about the machine that was used to mix the paint. Seems in the interim they had an entirely new system put in that no longer worked anything like the old system. I have pair of shoes I really like, only those are no longer made and the same can be said for nearly everything I like.

I seem to spend too much of my time learning how to use something I use too know how to use just fine 6 months prior. I can’t keep up, as this treadmill is becoming a fulltime job, which doesn’t net me anything new. I had an automated sprinkler system I knew how to work just fine and then it died. The new one isn’t anything like the old one.

Yes I can write my books and put this website together on my own but I don’t really get to know any of it all. I have no time and no energy to become and expert, or even proficient at anything new. I simply find myself being able to do things not to terribly well but just well enough – at least until the upgrade or the discontinuation. I seem to find that if I invest in anything, anything at all, it won’t be long before I have to forget everything I just learned and start again.

The Flat Screen TV Is Our Undoing

Television “programming.” One “programs” computers, one “programs” robots, and one “programs” the human mind, so why are the shows on television called “programming?” But I already digress. On with the rant.

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good visual yarn, be it TV, Film, Play, or even a YouTube video. I don’t even dislike the reality TV creates so much as pity those who immerse themselves in it in any meaningful way. Marshall Mcluhan spoke, early, and often about the perils of Teevee so I’ll not wax poetic about the sociological factors here. And most know that the flickering light of the TV itself, yes even that flat screen, puts one in a hypnotic state moments after watching it turning most into mindless zombies. You can read more about the connections TV and celebrity have on my article
here. My gripe here is the ubiquitous nature of this beast due to the introduction of flat screen television.

Prior to the invention of the flat screen TV, the idiot box was a bulky unruly thing. The first were x-ray cannons that required space, power and commitment to see a program all the way through. Then in the 80’s they got better, but not much smaller as they eliminated tubes for the world of solid-state components and sleeker designs. This physical limitation meant the TV was pretty much relegated to home and a few other locations.

Then the flat screen nightmare began. Cheap LED components meant a TV cost no more then a pack of cigarettes to buy and could be put anywhere. Anywhere, no I take that back, everywhere. I can’t get away from the damn things. In some Orwellian nightmare somewhere there are fewer TV’s attacking the sensibilities of the population. The gym – every cardio machine has it’s own, plus dozens more, the bus, every waiting area on the planet, every bar, every restraint, a whole lot of cars, CARS! Some have them in every room of their home, they are in offices, stadiums, urinals (god damn urinals!) – screw this they are everywhere, period. Everywhere.

The constant flickering lights of images hitting me at every turn is just awful. In a great majority of cases no one is watching! It seems some sort of law was passed while I was sleeping that simply mandated if you have people near you, ever, you have to have a TV on. “If you have a bar, you have to have at least one TV (dozens are best),” “If someone comes to you for something you must have a TV,” must be the entire text of the law.

Dystopian is the word to describe this assault. There is not down time, there is no personal time in the world at large, there is only time where the TV isn’t right in front of you as much. On and on the droning of meaningless nothingness. A hellish brand of visual attack and symbols designed to make one feel worthless, pointless and useless except when it comes time to buy things.

People talking on and on and on and on about nothing – seriously nothing. There are dozens of sports channels covering a handful of sports, showing people talking on and on about what? What are these people talking about, does any of it matter? Would anyone listen if they weren’t on this damn thing?

No person on TV actually says anything true for fear of being called on it, so they talk in circles about nothing, except they say it with force to imply it is meaningful. Talking heads going on and on and all in glorious High Def. High Def is another disaster. At least prior to Flat Screen/High Def combo the folks on the programming box seemed unlike us, marginally perfect in some way we we’re not. Now I can see every pimple, bag and wrinkle and the plastic surgery horrors clearly visible now serve as a public service announcement of what not to do to your face.

When does it end? I would rather they just tattoo one on my forehead and get rid of all rest as it would be less of a visual issue. But instead the new OLED’s are coming, which will make it possible to not only put one on my forehead, but on everything that doesn’t have one now. There is nothing to look forward too.

This can only end badly. I fear if the TV’s go dark the addicts will revolt. Yet if the TV’s do not go dark soon the addicts will be lost forever. I wonder, when you see random acts of vandalism, why do you never see a TV being bashed to pieces? People will bash or graffiti anything and everything but the god box.

Death - I can't wait

Dying is the easiest thing you do, everyone does it and everyone does it perfectly. Suffering is the hardest thing nearly everyone does, everyone would rather suffer then die. This is inexplicable.

What is death and what happens? Well, when you took on your body you knew damn well it was going to die. To get onto Earth you have to have a “body” made up of her components and when you die you agreed to leave those components behind. You have also seen people dying all around as you lived so the whole idea is cannot be a surprise to you. In fact, nothing about it should, I say
should, be a surprise.

You need to be taught to be insecure about death. Most people who have known children who have died young, but old enough to know they were dying, know that children are not insecure about leaving the body behind. No, you get all of your insecurities about death from the institutions of government, family and religion. This begs the question, how can something as natural as death be turned against us?

To understand that you need to understand that a “fear of death” which is really “insecurity surrounding the process of death” is the only tool the powers in charge have to control us. You may think it is money, or guns, or threats of some sort but it is death. They need you to think that death is sudden, random, beyond your control, accidental, unfortunate, full of uncertainty, fraught with danger and of course tragic. Nope, for you death is none of those at the core, it is a part of life and nothing more.

Consider this, everyone on Earth could leave tomorrow. Yes, we could all decide we’ve had enough of wars, poverty, famine, fiat currency, TV and the like and just leave. Just like that there can be no Human Beings expressing their energy on the planet in bodily form anymore and that would be just fine for almost everyone. For a select few this would be tragic, as there are a few unscrupulous beings that need us here. As a compliment to that notion Earth could toss us all of in a heartbeat if she wanted to. Yes she too could say, “ah, you know what I have had enough” and just like what we are all gone but she too has a vested interest in the Souled Human Being presence.

Knowing this empowers you. Why? You are here by choice and you leave by choice. You leave Earth when you choose to and not a minute before. “But what about people who die in plane crashes and kids with cancer?” Choosing. “But what about innocent people who die young, or old people who have so much to live for?” Choosing. I have no idea why someone would choose to leave via a plane crash, nor do I car as it is their choice and for some reason they liked the idea. You use your Freewill to get onto the planet and you use it to get off. And you are free to leave anytime you like. Of course to get onto Earth you have to find a pair of folks who will help created a body for you.

So what happens when you choose to leave? Nothing and everything, as it all depends on what you want to do next. What happens when you leave high school? What happens when you leave a job? What happens when you leave a relationship? When you drop the body you can go worship some guy who is pretending to be your lord and savior. Or you can visit the Sun, or you can simply stand where you are and do nothing. Have assisted folks in this arena in several ways I suggest you program this into your head: Upon death I am heading straight for
me. You should simply intend, intention is key here, to drop everything you are “doing” and head right for the truth of you, the Soul-Self, The Creator-Self, the Higher-Self or whatever you want to call it. Simply intend to go home to you to see what you want to do with you next. It will all become really clear after that.

What can you do to help someone who is leaving? This is a great question. If you are a family member, “let them go,” stop holding on. Playing on a dying person’s emotions for selfish reasons is appalling, so stop being selfish. Next thing to do is help make that person feel comfortable and that can be a whole host of things from helping them get of medical chemicals to helping make a nice soft, quiet area for them to reside in. Suggest to them, either verbally or psychically, that they are cool to move on and that they should go seek out their Soul-Self as soon as possible. Lastly, recognize that leaving the planet is just that, leaving and it is one of the coolest things we do.

In the meantime you should live. Stop choosing to suffer in order to avoid death. Stop choosing to use your Freewill to give others power over you because they threaten you with death or demonize death. You are no stronger on this planet then when you say, “I’m choosing to be here and I’ll choose to leave and screw you nut jobs for suggesting otherwise.”

Our collective power lies in our Freewill and the biggest impediment to accessing it is the power the institutions have over the perception of death.


What Are Dreams?

The world of dreams is something that has been a source of wonderment since the dawn of human time. What are dreams? Are they a useful tool? Learn more about the world of your dreams in this article.

The dream state, when one is “sleeping,” is not what people think it is. Once your head hits the pillow your body begins a process of “winding down” and shutting off. Assuming you are not an insomniac, the body will send a little jolt through your system to check and see if you truly are asleep - tossing and turning is how we experience it. Occasionally we will feel real electrical jolt. Once the body feels that you are asleep, you are tossed out of your body. Yes, once you are “sleeping” on the earth plane you are awake on another plane, as you vacate the physical body for realties beyond. Your primary consciousness leaves the body while soul matrix recharges the body with energy.

The body is a battery for energy, energy that comes from your soul matrix. The body is a very weak mechanism in and of itself. Without food or water it dies rather quickly. Without energy, which can only be garnered through sleep, you go nuts and die even faster then without water - try not sleeping for a few days straight and see what happens to your consciousness. You need the process of sleep to recharge the capacitor known as your body and this happens during the eight hours you sleep and at no other time. The rest of the waking hours you exist in the energy you collected the night before as it is spent manifesting the reality you interact with. Our pattern is energy going in at night, energy spent going out during the day - or the opposite if you are night person and sleep during the day.***

Once out of your body the body gets what is known as sleep paralysis. The body is kept in place, with a few moments of movement to keep circulation efficient, in order to keep the energy flowing into the body uninterrupted. Some folks have awakened during the sleep paralysis and find this disturbing, often freaking out because they can’t seem to move their body for a few moments while they are in the paralyzed body. This is rare, but it does happen as the system isn’t perfect. The other thing that can happen when waking up as the energy is flowing in is a feeling of being electrocuted, as the body feels the intense flow of energy while it is flowing rather then after the reloading is complete. While the body is locked in place, and the energy is flowing, you - your consciousness, is long gone. There is no reason to hang about why the body gets a fill-up, there are things to do, places to go, people to see. Note here, you, the you that is not your body, does not need sleep, it is solely your body, and all that this entails that needs the sleep and the energy provided during the resting period.

Read The Rest Of The Article...



In this article we’ll take look at our five senses and how they are really rather poor at actually helping us to perceive all there is to perceive.

We humans have a very limited system to perceive things. We use our five senses as our main tools for perception: seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling. In spite of what we may want to believe, those systems area rather horrible at their job. What you can see of all there is to see is remarkably small. For example, one cannot see Infrared, or Ultra Violet spectrums at all. With a little myopia one cannot see street signs or a hyperopia one cannot see type face, or with both one cannot see much without an aid. What humans can hear is a tiny fraction of what there is to hear. My sense of smell is beyond horrible. Nearly of these senses can be knocked out with a simple common cold or other ailment and all can just cease working altogether for good. The senses are hardly uniform, as many people see colors in different ways and many find one sound pleasing when another finds it displeasing.

The five senses are our tools to perceiving, receptors of information. While they are tools, rather poor tools, they are tools that are meant to aid in the ability to perceive our reality. They are aids, they are not end all be all but we seem the as such, and here is where we have gotten lost. Humans have become so reliant on the five senses that they have abandoned all other means to perceive. Way, way back we used to find the so called sixth sense as a normal everyday feature of life. Then it became the domain of witches and weirdoes, and now it is seen a quaint novelty that cannot compete with science. Ingo Swann, noted researcher and interesting guy, has written about us having 17 senses in our arsenal. What? If true, it is clear we all agreed to quit at the standard five. His 17 range from sensors in the nose to smell emotions to skin sensors that sense the temperament of other beings. Ever wonder how the first person decided to eat a mushroom, given most are not edible? Maybe it was simpler when folks used all 17 senses, but because we can’t do anything without a dumbphone these days, I’d be hard pressed to take the average person on food hunt in the woods and figure out what to eat without a lab or google access.

To Read The Rest Of The Article...

This Place Stinks

Continuing with the theme of things that assault the senses (music, TV) we are now going to look at how the world stinks.

Imagine 5000 years ago and walking into the Yosemite Valley. Imagine how that might have smelled. You’ll have to imagine it as there is no way in hell you’ll ever get a real sense of it now. The world is one giant chemical stench of industrial chemicals in the form of things like gasoline and road tar and in the form of things like fragrance and beauty products, and it is all-bad.

When my dog rushes up to another dog to greet him/her they engage in an exchange of sniffing. That first action usually causes gasps from the owners but that first 15 seconds tells the dogs so much each other. The smells they pick up tell each other about diet, stress, living conditions, where they have been and mood. In those few seconds their olfactory systems tell them vastly more then the human fist bump, half-hug and secret handshake. And we Human’s used to do the same thing without our noses.

We humans used to be able to smell fear, smell health, smell impending death and even marital status through another’s scent and now all we can smell is toxic waste. In some misguided effort to rid the world of its natural smells we have given everything a scent. Everything needs a scent. Everything needs a signature fragrance. And we just soak ourselves in it simply because marketer’s tell is we have to in order to be human.

When you meet someone now instead of getting know all about them via their unique scent you smell; body wash, shampoo, hair care products, deodorant, chemically created fragrance, chemical scented gum/mint/mouthwash, cigarette smoke, chemicals used to created clothing as well as the chemicals used to create one’s shoes. Yes, when you meet someone you smell that cacophony of vile factory creations and countless other ambient smells depending on where you meet them. And believe it or not it confuses the hell out of you. You can no longer rely on one of your key senses to help you understand the reality around you.

I myself have learned to hate the smell of anything that can be recreated in a factory. The smell of roses in the garden is nice, but the smell of rose scented anything in a can, bottle, cream or candle sends me into a homicidal frenzy. It doesn’t soothe me like the label often says it pisses me off. And that goes for all the rest of the packaged scents designed to make me feel something special.

What confounds me is this: if I sniff glue for fun the cops will arrest me and charge me with a crime. If I load myself up with the standard morning cologne bath and all the rest of the scented beauty products I get the same high! And it’s legal! If I walk into the Bed Bath and Beyond to purchase a frying pan I am stoned out of my gourd 15 seconds after entering into the store, as the chemical smell from the potpourri, candles, soap and all the rest turns my brains into mush. By the time I get to the frying pan section the music has taken what’s left of my will to live.

Try taking a bit of your preferred cologne or perfume and spray a bit on a rag and “huff it” and see how you feel? Take a dryer sheet, hold it up to your face and “huff it” and see how you feel. Does one think that because one isn’t actively huffing the effect of an all day waft is any different?

Every time I leave the house I run the danger of picking up a mass produced scent. A 20-minute chiropractic adjustment can lead to a change of clothes after lying down in someone else’s scent while on the table. I now refuse to enter the Bed Bath and Beyond simply because anything I buy needs to be washed and my clothes do as well. I touched a gas pump handle last week, which led to me touching my face and my steering wheel, which led to me enjoying the benefits of “Polo, by Ralph Lauren,” in my life for the next five hours. One prolific hugger planted a new brand of perfume on me that lead to me having to toss the shirt because I couldn’t get the smell out on my own (there is no dry cleaner in town that provides a scent free cleaning – none). Sure it all sounds a bit prissy of me, until you understand how all of this scenting of the planet affects your consciousness expression.

This need to scent everything is a crime against humanity and it is turning people into zombies. Scents have a huge effect on the ability to express our consciousness. When I was in college I would take a scent and use a hint of it to associate it to the information I was studying. Then come test time all I needed to do was put a dab under my nose and could remember what I needed to. Even to this day, if I smell the now chemical version of Aramis Cologne I think of my parents going out for a night out. If I smell the smell of brandy on someone’s breath I think of my father being an ass… well you get the idea there. A hint of garden mint reminds me of my grandmother and her yard. Ms. Fields was made famous by gently blowing the scent of the cookies into the mall, enticing customers. Our sense of smell is no joke and marketers know that.

Scent is important and our ability to smell the world around us is important. The world now is some Disneyland of synthetic chemicals, which absolutely changes our ability to perceive. They affect our mood, they cloud our judgment and they do everything but make us feel better. I suggested once to a client that breathing in dryer sheet smell all day was causing some mental confusion and the response was that people loved the way she smelled, as they often described her as smelling as “fresh and clean.” What in the name of everything ever created as led people to think the smell of dryer sheet is “fresh” let alone “clean?” While working with clients many would come to home and leave their mass produced fragrance in my house, leaving my unique home smelling like one of millions. Even worse, quite often the scent was so overwhelming that it made my work so much harder as I needed to battle they effects of the chemicals on my brain.

Some corporate fairy has run around the planet spreading scent all over the world in an effort to rid the world of that oh so offensive, “absence of fragrance.” While in Yosemite I enjoyed the smell of pine coupled with the smell of dryer sheet, the smell of water with the smell of Eternity by CK, the smell of diesel fuel with the smell of millions year old granite. In my mind I was simply overwhelmed by the conflict these scents were having on me and it wasn’t fun.

Soaps of every sort need a scent. Why does dish soap need a scent? Every room needs a scent? Every store needs a scent? Every car needs a scent car that gives the car that new car scent? Every holiday needs a scent? Every shampoo needs a scent? Every human needs a chemical scent on them at all times? Every candle needs a scent, which, when burned, creates some other horrifying chemically scented toxic fume? Next time you are out go into any drug store, any Bed Bath and Beyond even a Super Market and stop what you are doing and smell, breath it all in.

On of the most depressing parts of this is that once some folks did create things with real, genuine artistic fragrance. Many years ago I had a friend that made custom fragrances. She came over and smelled me, yes my skin - me, and put together something that didn’t cover me up and was a true artistic creation. Now some marketing guy contacts a globochem company and says, “gimme a scent to sell this damn candle” and one is rushed to them without regard to the end users consciousness expression. This kind of effort diminishes the true artistry of those who can craft something with soul. This ubiquitous scent thing has me disliking almost anything with smell at all at this point, as even those with some “spiritual” method seem to be just adding to the pile.

The worst part of all of this is we have lost the ability to smell others. Will a baby coated in baby wipe smell, diaper smell, dryer sheet smell and baby soap smell be able to smell his mom? Will a mother be able to smell when her child is sick? If your mom was in a line up with other moms could you pick her out by smell? Could you pick out your mate by smell or is your makes smell one of the CK signature perfumes? I know I have been so conditioned that the smell of another, without perfume, can annoy me. My mother is remembered by me for Este Lauder’s “White Linen” and not her personal scent.

Be aware how scent can alter the way you perceive your reality. Hours of breathing cigarette smoke is an obvious mind altering experience but so is breathing hours of perfume, or gasoline, or candle, or dryer sheet or anything else that is designed to stimulate the brain.

Facebook Post

Facebook post 11-02-13

The most amazing thing happened to me last week. I was posting an Instagram picture on my new iPhone 5 of this awesome fishing bass-hat baseball cap I had just purchased when I fell down the main escalator at the Greenfield Mall.

The next thing I know I am standing in front of these gigantic pearl-essence glass and steel gates. After a few moments they open slightly and a guy walks out. “Eric Samuel” he says. I say “yes, I’m Eric Samuel.” He begins typing into a tablet he was holding (iPad 3
rd generation).

He was about my height with a perfectly shaved head, Dieter glasses and a black turtleneck. While looking down and typing he says, “I’m Saint Peter.” I was shocked, “Am I dead” I asked? Staring at the tablet he stopped typing (not an iPad, Surface 2?) and said, “not yet.” Then he typed some more.

“So, what now,” I asked? He said that I needed to answer a few questions before he opened the hallowed gates. I said, “Okay, is it like I have heard, questions like, ‘were you true to your family?’” He said without looking up, “no, things have changed and the questions are more comprehensive.” I was a little freaked out, as this was a St. Peter pop quiz? After a little more typing he looked up and said in a very stern voice, “The questions I will ask must be answered truthfully. You may answer the questions as I as I ask them or you may choose to hear all of them first and then go back and answer each one.” “I’ll hear them all first,” I said, as it was best to get a feel first so I knew how I should answer them. “Okay, let us begin,” and he continued to look down at his tablet (I’m sure it was a Kindle Fire 1
st gen).

    Without looking up he said, “This is the end of part one, there are three parts in total.” This really through me for a loop, as I needed to be honest with him but I could see by his questions that the fact that I watched Fox on occasion for laughs was going to hurt my chances to get in.

    I was wearing flip-flops so I had to be truthful there. I once ordered a pizza from a chain store and they said the cheese was Artisanal but I had my doubts. I considered lying on each question when he looked up from his tablet (Nexus 10 for sure) and said, “Before we go on, I need to warn you that we use the NSA total information data system to check the truthfulness of your answers.”

    I panicked when I realized my Wi-Fi connection was a shared connection with my roommates and, even worse, I occasionally drove my mother’s Escalade to take my grandmother to her weekly kidney dialysis, so blurted out something like, “this isn’t fair, I didn’t know there would be a test like this…” and moment later I was lying on the marble floor at the base of the main escalator in the Greenfield Mall.

    I looked and saw my iPhone was still in my hand and it hadn’t posted the picture of the bass-hat so I hit post. The amazing thing happened right after I hit post, as some random dude stole my brand new iPhone 5 right from my hand!

    The Wasting Of Time

    The Wasting Of Time

    I am now 15945 days old, 43.75 years - 382,680 hours spent on planet earth. Being at the midpoint of my life I’ve decided to take stock. Rather than looking at what I’ve accomplished to this point or determine what I still have left to do, I’m going to look at the time I’ve wasted and how it was wasted. Perspective is needed to evaluate the myriad of life’s events so I have decided to see what didn’t contribute to my evolution as my guide. The 23 hours I’ve wasted by being dropped on the cell phone has not contributed to my evolution. The 2 hours I spent viewing the Mona Lisa contributed immeasurably.

    The purpose of life is to learn as much about yourself and your environment as you can through your interactions with what you encounter. Through this process we achieve awareness, then understanding and hopefully our experiences lead to knowingness about ourselves and the world. Yet life is filled with time wasters, experiences that don’t seem to lead to anything in particular, let alone knowingness about who and what I am.

    Of my 382,680 hours I’ll subtract 127,560 hours off the top for sleep; leaving 255,120 hours spent doing everything from eating Mexican food, engaging in sex and being perfectly stupefied by the game of golf – activities that are clearly not a waste of time.

    I consider the first two years of my life a total waste. Diapers, baby food, gurgling and baby talk from my parents add up to make this an obvious waste - that and I can’t remember a thing about those two years. 17520 hours wasted...

    To Read The Full Article

    Celebrity Worship Article

    The World Of Celebrity Worship

    Someone recently asked me why people worship celebrities, even those with seemingly no talent at all? The answer probably isn’t what you think.

    First off, we don’t worship celebrities, the celebrities are created by the worshiping action. Before there is a celebrity, there is a person, who may or may not have a talent others are interested in being a part of, and through the convergence of several factors you might not have considered something happens to transform that someone, someone just like you, into

    In this article I’ll show you why folks are obsessed with celebrity and give you some tools to expand your awareness about the whole world of entertainment, TV, movies, music and more. Hopefully this information will have you seeing the TV people in a whole new way.

    Excerpt from the article:

    I was looking a picture of a indigenous tribe in the amazon standing around the TV and wondered why they cared to look at it. Why did these people suddenly drop everything to stare a the flickering light? There are two parts, the first part is the vision part, the visions they once had in their head were suddenly in front of them, in a less “fleeting” fashion. The other component to their focus is the flickering light. The flickering light puts the brain into an Alpha brain wave state 8-12hz, usually within thirty seconds of viewing. What is the Alpha brain wave state? The Alpha Brain Wave State is the vision quest state of course, not quite the deep level where one is not cognizant of the reality around them, but more a waking vision quest state, a kind of modern hybrid state. See where things are going? The flickering light of the TV puts the viewer in the vision quest state, albeit a far cry from the original, more spiritual formula, and once in the state, the brain works to assemble the fleeting single frames into their vision just as they have done for ages. What used to happen in your head, is now happening outside your head. No wonder it seems so natural to us.

    To read more

    The Divine Right

    Marriage - Never Do It

    Marriage - Never Do It

    There is an awful lot of talk about marriage these days. Seems everyone wants to be a part of an institution with a horrendous failure rate. Sadly, no one, and I mean no one, knows what marriage really is.

    Most believe marriage is a way to validate true love. That is most assuredly what marriage is not. Marriage is not a way to validate love, create love, or solidify love. It is not a symbol of love and it is not a way to define love. Marriage is a contract, a legally binding business contract. No where on the contract does the word love appear, no where in the process does anyone determine of love is present: love is not a part of marriage at all. Love is a part of a relationship, but not a marriage.

    Marriage in the most countries, especially the U.S., is a legally binding contract in which two people engage in a corporate merger that the state (state being government) endorses.

    Read more on marriage

    See my article on relationships for more relationship fun.


    This post is not about how governments are wrong or the constitution is something sacred. This is about something interesting in the creation of the document that is said to be the most important to have been created in the course of governance.

    The United States Constitution is an interesting document in that it was never something that was voted on by everyone. It was created by some folks, signed by some folks, and it would seem the majority of the signers wound up with a pretty poor post signing life. The document is interesting for what it does not say, what the creators chose to leave out.

    Human Beings are Freewill beings, as are all expressions in all of consciousness - this is the only truth there is. Madison was one who knew this, in fact this was a time period in Human Being expression on Earth where this truth was making a return after the dark ages did everything it could to render the notion a myth. There seemed to have been an argument about whether this fact should have been expressly written in the document. It might have said something like, “all human beings are freewill beings and governments have no right to impinge on this fact,” or something to that effect. But alas the document’s biggest flaw is that it failed to say that outright instead it suggest the “people” already knew this and would be guided by this always.

    When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
    Note the screw up here, “self-evident.” If this TRUTH was at the core of all of our “governance” what we see as governmental control would look wildly different as that foundation alters the process entirely. Instead this TRUTH is never, ever part of the discourse. Over two hundred years later and nearly all people in the US, and most of the world, believe that governments GIVE people the right inherent in them. In just over 200 years, the notion of a Freewill Human Being has been reduced to a myth again, and largely because the so called “founding fathers” decided not to define the absolute truth in writing - just one more sentence guys. Madison felt it was condescending and unnecessary to state the obvious…


    Why is it that clean, unadulterated water and food is so hard to find?

    Why is it that clean, unaltered, just the way it was 100 years ago food is so expensive and considered “special?”

    Why is food and water a commodity that is auctioned off to the highest bidder, even though Earth gave us the planet to use in our quest for experience for free?

    Why is water tainted with prozac, chloramines, fluoride, antibiotics, pesticides considered - by anyone at all, as perfectly acceptable?

    Why is water hoarded by people cannot take possession of it? Why are some folks, a handful, allowed to gamble on food/water leaving the consumer to pay for any losses?

    What exactly are basic human rights if the right to food is not one of them? Consider, if you cannot pay for food you starve.

    I do not want water with medication (toxic fluoride) so why must I be forced to pay for water with it?

    I'm Not An Animal

    Recently I decided never to attend an “event” where the police will be acting as controllers. We attended a fun run kind of race in which there was a “police presence” at the venue. Why on earth does a running race for fun require men with guns? It occurred to that if the police are at a concert, park, or other event that there is a notion that violence will be part of the event. I understand that people are concerned about the possible trouble that can happen at any event, and I understand that the world is full of terrorists, millions or even tens of millions, who seek to just randomly kill people or just start trouble because it suits them but is this really the world we now live in? The media tells us there is danger on every corner, in every park, in every school and so on, but what does the presence of men dressed in military garb, with guns, even small tanks say about the event itself that they must be there? Is it really in my best interest to go places where possible violence is a part of the experience? Why do I want to go someplace where I am viewed as a threat by people with guns, people who can’t figure out if they are there to protect me or kill me? What event is so important that I should subject myself to the possibility of having to deal with potential violence?

    What is going on in the subconscious of people who are at an event have a good time, but are being watched by men with fingers on the trigger of their gun? How do the regular human folks interpret such a conflict of imagery? Children and guns? Music and guns? Racing and guns? Football and guns? If there are guns, there is expected violence, is a meaningless midseason football game worth being subjected to the feeling of being a criminal just for attending?

    I know the arguments for the guns being everywhere, but if the reality is now such that I need guns to keep the music event safe, then the music event is no longer really just a music event, but hybrid of music and potential violence, which can result in death.

    I am human, not an animal that needs to be constantly reminded that guns and people who can effectively shoot them are what is in charge.

    Question: When you are at an event where armed police are present, how do your reconcile the conflict behind your reason for being at the event and the possibility of violence? You are not allowed to utter the default answer: “they are there to keep me safe.” You’ll not the default answer implies violence and justifies their presence. The question is, without the default answer, how to you reconcile the fact that you are attending a gathering where someone might be shot, as that’s what the guns are for?

    The Law Is For You

    From time to time I will post a question designed to increase your awareness. There of course is no right answer, but my hope is that by thinking about the concepts in the question you will increase your awareness just a little bit.

    Background: The planet itself is full of laws, millions of laws in place and enforced to control the behavior of the inhabitants of the planet. We have laws that govern the length of the grass in your yard, the jobs you can have, the places you can travel. We have laws that dictate every single aspect of your life. I had a professor once who offered “A” to anyone who could present him with one thing they did that wasn’t controlled by the government in some way - no school work at all, just an “A.” In the 20 years he asked the question he never gave out an “A” and I of course failed to garner one too - this was 1982. Each law is usually enforced with the cracking whip of a fine, or the loaded gun of jail time. Each individual at any given moment is breaking dozens, if not hundreds, of laws that would result in untold fines, levy’s and jail time. We humans demand the laws to control us. For me it is like the sword of Damocles, but I fear I am alone in this feeling.

    Question: Why do you feel that laws, fines and jail time, as well as the threats of punitive action toward YOUR behavior is the best way to control YOU?

    Let me be clear, the question is not about your neighbor, I know why he needs laws to keep him in check, what I want to ask about here is why
    YOU feel YOU need laws to keep YOU in check. Ask yourself, how do you know your personal behavior must be controlled by laws?

    Again, this not about society, the rule of law, the neighbors, the terrorists or anyone other then you, yourself, (your name):

    Why do I feel that laws, fines and jail time, as well as the threats of punitive action toward
    ME and MY behavior is the best way to control ME?

    Maybe you don’t need laws and fines to regulate your behavior for the common good of all around you?

    ...A Live Studio Audience

    ... A Live Studio Audience

    When I was eight years old my mother carted my sister and myself off to participate in the taping of a children’s television show called the “Grab Bag.” My mother was overly concerned with her appearance, both physical and reputation, as such, we were dragged off to all manner of things we had no real interest in simply because doing so made her look good to others. This time she garnered eight tickets for friends and family for participation in the local TV show hosted by Jim Allen. I really had no interest in any of it at all, so when it came time to volunteer to play one of the games I did not raise my hand in the frantic waving designed to get picked - the only one who did not. Evidently I thought keeping my hands in my pockets would both signal my intention and seamlessly blend me into the background of screaming kids, but since I was the only one not raising my hand I was a stand out, a lone wolf, an easy target for being selected. As I recall I completed the first simple task and was sure that was it, but to my chagrin I ended up being selected as the grand prize contestant as well.

    To read more: