
The Way We Think

New Thinking Pattern

Here is a little clip which speaks to the notion of absolutes. See if you can alter the way you think, speak and view others for one week using this technique. (robert anton wilson language and reason, )

Social Revolution?

Here is a clip which speaks to the way in which “revolution” though the world of economics - via Marxism style control, was replaced with revolution via social-marxism. What I feel is important to take away from this is how in 100 years the notion of “revolution’ via this system of thinking has people now living in a world of self righteous absolutism. We now live in a world where “either you agree with me or you should die” is the norm. TV is the greatest beneficiary of the effort, as polarized presentations are the only thing on TV, while some form of balanced acceptance of ideas and expression is seen as a form of fascism or even worse - weakness of moral fiber. (in case this does not show up: history of political correctness,

Take note of how the system created by these do-gooders, these revolutionaries for the people, has infected your world. Watch, listen and study how those around you represent the “my way of the highway” philosophy. Notice how you are scum if you are not for “green this,” “animal rights that,” “capitalism, free market and democracy,” and so on.

The perfect world this system sought to create is the condo, planned community, reality. This is realm where some 90 percent of the inhabitants are happy to be living in a world where “unapproved” is met with fines or eviction. The Condo Association is the arbiter of such matters but in reality it is the people who crave the safety of sameness that keep things in check. And notice how places where free flowing expression are seen as foolish, hedonistic and wrong by the condo dwellers. And of course those on the free expression side of the revolution see the condo dwellers as sellouts.

Us against them is the legacy of this effort. Keep in mind the entire reason for the liberation through revolution was not to give people access to their Freewill but to control them in a way that was not tied to economics exclusively. Control through money has its limitations, but control through money, social expression, nationalism, and of course religion, knows no bounds.

Most important point: Notice how any outcome from this effort, and the other control methods just mentioned, does NOT include any mention of your inherent Freewill.

More Revolution

Here is an interesting report about how organizations shape what we think about the world. My thought is this: Are those who through their actions help instigate government sanctioned atrocities proud of the killing? Does holding a government created moral ground insulate you from the actions that lead to such horrors? It would seem that those who execute prisoners feel great about what they do because the government says, “hey, they have to die so all is good,” so do those who use things like “human rights” to create atrocities feel great about the untold carnage because they were paid, or because the moral ground is government backed? I wonder what people say when the go home to the mate, “honey, we’ll see war in a few weeks and thousands will die but in the end we’re going to be right, the deaths were just a part of doing business and I helped do business?”

Mind Control?

Here is an excellent video breaking down NLP, something very few of you know about. It is very important to see that this kind of programming is exceedingly effective when used in conjunction with the brainwave state created by the flickering lights of the TV. For amusing examples of this kind of work you might want to watch the Derren Brown videos. But for our purposes here, you need to be thinking: How does this kind of verbal magic influence the way I think about things, and in turn, does it influence where I spend my Freewill?

Don't be SandyHOoked - Obama Hypnotized US from mOrgan on Vimeo.

Shut The Hell Up!

This clip speaks for itself.

Education or Something Else?

How we learn to think like we think. The reason this kind of presentation is important here is that one must see how the notion of your Freewill is absent from all of your “education.” Your education is a system that mimics prison, a place where Freewill does not exist, so for the first 18 years of you life, you “live” where Freewill is not only ignored, it is seen as a luxury you will never have. See John Taylor Gotto’s work for much more detail. In case the embed fails.

One should really wonder why they were not taught any of this in High School.