Judgement of Others

It is a total waste of your energy!
by A. Ritter
(pdf version)

Each Soul projects itself into an incarnation in order to experience a particular type of life experience. The Soul, in it's not so infinite wisdom, may be lacking certain understandings or may even wish to experience some activity or event in a particular way, as a result, Soul incarnates (you) into a body. Prior to incarnation (not reincarnation: these are continual projections), in a positively complex set of maneuverings, each Soul selects the perimeters for the journey, or lifetime, and inserts a "personality" YOU, into the matrix we call 3D. No single individual is privy to the Soul perimeters of another in 3D. Therefore, without knowing what those perimeters are, you cannot completely or incompletely pass judgement on any one individual with any level of certainty. These facts make judgement of others a truly futile effort. Without access to a complete Soul history, jury duty (judgement of others) is very weird indeed.

Time itself is not linear. All things, all times, continue to be. Let's say you, at a Soul level, decided you wanted to find out what it was like to be the most Selfish human you could be. You may have decided this because your Soul is too polarized by the selfless notion and has not reached the desired balance yet. Your Soul picks a time and place
(L. A. 20
th century) and inserts itself with only the capacity to be selfish. I may look at you, a totally selfish person, pass some judgement on you and say, "how appalling, are you not aware that you are not the only person on the face of the earth?" No you are not aware, that is part of the deal. You have chosen not to be aware of that fact. You are experiencing life without a "full deck" on purpose. Here your Soul has created very specific, extreme perimeters, for you to undergo a particular type of experience.

What if, at a Soul level, you decided to insert yourself at this time in order to experience being so Selfless that you are like Mother Teresa? Not a Selfish bone in your body. People say to you, "why don't you stand up for yourself and stop giving," or "you deserve to have something for yourself?" Again, here is the rub, it is not part of the original plan to experience anything other than extreme Selflessness. These expressions demonstrate extreme Soul-expressed polarities; other Soul expressions will be less polarized.

Some Souls may have incarnated to be an inspiration for others (to see what that is like for their
own Soul expression). One must see inspiration without judgement here. A truly negative, selfish acting, person is just as inspirational as a truly positive person, when viewed without judgement. A truly negative Soul expression might inspire us to "not be like that." Inspiration, in it's pure form, comes from noticing the behavior that each individual being demonstrates, on the physical plane, and assessing it using our own filter and understandings then incorporating the processed knowledge into our experience.

Notice here in the case of our negative being, we have passed observational judgement on the behavior, not the Soul. It must stop at the behavior. An expression appears in your life, like an actor, playing a part, feeding you lines, and you in turn are taking queues from those lines. NOT THE SOUL. The lines you receive are guided, for the most part, by you. Each energy, being, you see in front of you is a representation of many different things for many different people. What you see in a person may not be what another sees in that very same person. How often have you heard two conflicting observations about the same person? Both versions are probably true. You must assess the information coming to
you individually from any encounter with any energy/being and actively add that knowledge to your accumulation of wisdom and experience.

Note: it is an accumulation of knowledge and experience that determines beginning, middle and end of a particular Soul expression, not time (all Souls are old Souls, all
expressions are not equal to that of the total Soul knowledge). The Soul, you, will express itself in neatly defined polarities in order to have an experience of a pure nature. As the Soul evolves, (something you cannot witness in others, due to your location in time and space - you only see one expression at a time) the Soul will incarnate more expressions, more of you, in more evolved, less polarized aspects of itself. Polarized experiences are the way in which the Soul of a Human has chosen to learn and this is the place in which high speed learning is accessed via the obvious polarities presented to us in 3D.

Polarities and Judgement

The world as we know it is presenting us with more and more opportunity to pass judgement. 3D is the density of obvious polarities. In fact, each polarized energy in this density, 3D, is pleading for you to judge all other polarities negatively and join the "right" side. This is a place in the Universe where things can be presented in stark black and white, not for us to choose either, but for us to witness those extremes and seek out the wonderful area in between. The gray area in the middle is the land of opportunity, the extreme polarized ends are wastelands filled with bumper sticker slogans and simplistic one sentence answers to all. This does not mean that we can't learn a lot from the polarities themselves and those who are in the business of selling them. Notice when someone is selling a polarity they are trying to convince you as
well as themselves, pay attention to this as you can learn a lot in these interactions.

Let's define what a polarity is. A polarity is anything, energy, belief structure, ideal, that has a defined polar opposite. Good and bad, Fascism and Communism, Right and Wrong. These are all polarities as well as Light and Dark (new age for Good and Evil). Each polarity lives in that polarized place of "me verses the world," "us verses them," as a way of shielding itself from what it fears about the non-polarized gray area in the middle ground. Those that hide in these polarities believe, wrongly, that they are safe as long as they remain true to the ideal that is defined by the polarity itself. This is not true; safety comes from knowledge and appropriate application of that knowledge and not from hiding under the Acme brand umbrella of a polarity. Note this is very true for the New Age polarity that if I’m good and love all, I'll be fine.
This is a polarity. See the polar opposite? If I don't love all for who they are, and do bad deeds, I will have a hard time/ bad karma. Polarities are absolutes, and absolutes are spiritual and emotional traps.

People demonstrate polarities for us. We, humans, are in the business of defining a polarity structure, then breaking it down, then redefining what is left, then breaking that down. We do this until a balanced gray area in the middle is discovered, an area that is not confining or limited by the tenants of the first two polarities we started with. This requires an active coordination between all aspects of you/Soul to do the work necessary to assess all the polarities visible in your life and break them down so that you may not be ruled by them. Example: At first we may feel that conflict is the best way to engage others and protect ourselves. We are too aggressive, too confrontational. As we are always looking for a fight in all interactions, we find we are constantly getting beaten up existing in this in this polarity. We asses the polarizing behavior, then switch to the "turn the other cheek" polarity. We will find that we often get beaten up there too, we're too nice, too passive. As a human Soul we see these two extremes, their strengths and weaknesses, and seek to find a middle ground. Balance dictates: we assess; then sometimes we fight, sometimes we "turn the other cheek" and sometimes we run. The scene-arios we engage in everyday provide us with vignettes that allow us to play out our understanding of the polarities presented before us and learn more from each experience.

Many of the scene-arios surrounding you will have been created by you/Soul to show
Soul/you something. Please notice what all of the things in your life say about you, forget about what they say about others. Do they say you are fearful, selfish, or destructively selfless? Are the scene-arios repeating themselves over and over? Remember here, the Soul -YOU- is very specific in it's desires. If you haven't understood something, gathered a particular piece of information, balanced a personality imbalance, then you will make sure you do by encouraging others to repeat their lines, the scene-ario, until you accurately assess and process the desired information. Assess, understand, apply to your life, and YOU will bring yourself a new set of experiences - but not until then.

When you meet someone who seems a bit off, or does something wildly odd, remind yourself that you don't know what is going on with them at a Soul level. Notice the relief in your system as you acknowledge the complexity of that statement. Notice the same goes for you,
no one knows what is happening on a Soul level for you either. Notice the relief in your system as you acknowledge judgement of others is a futile waste of energy.

Don't spend one drop on energy being concerned with where people like government officials, the dictator dujour, or others will wind up after their earth experience,
it is not at all relevant to you. It is not relevant where your neighbor, your relative or even your dog will wind up after this incarnation. You are only seeing ONE aspect of that SOUL. This journey is an ongoing spiral of evolutionary adventure in which each individual Soul is in charge of it's process. You, with only access to a person's external actions via one, singular, inserted expression (and no access to their internal Soul level consciousness) can only embarrass yourself in your assessment of where one is at or headed. So take a load off your experience here and concern yourself with yourself in the now, and only the now. Not the past, not the future, but in the now. Right NOW, what do you, at a SOUL level, need to get, experience, understand or learn? What pieces to your original Soul plan are you missing? Don't know, spend some time engaging yourself at a Soul level and find out.

A note on the constant state of warmongering and what you can do here. This is, again, an extreme polarity presented for your confusion. You do not need to protest at the mall, you do not need to bomb all the out of balance folks with love and light (that's the same as them bombing you with hate and dark, bombing is bombing) what you need to do here is find the resonance in you that still believes that these activities are necessary and balance that resonance. Find a stronger, deeper part of you that knows it is just polarizing behavior for you to assess. All the news for public consumption is propaganda designed to entice you, sell you, on the polarity that suits those in charge. If you do not feed them your fear, your concern, your mistrust, your anxiety, they will have little to fuel their machine. This is the one thing you
can do to affect change. The human group at large can do little here; what is going to happen, must happen. Use the events to your advantage, assess your beliefs.

Beings have incarnated for as many reasons as there are people.
There is no one individualized reason that all expressions are here. This is worth repeating, the planet has 6.5 billion beings walking around on it, no two are here for the same exact reason. There is an overriding theme that holds all of this together, but each Soul's unique participation is just that, unique onto themselves.

Test yourself now. See if you can approach each scene-ario asking yourself the question:
What does this interaction say about me? See if you can resist the temptation to pass judgement either before or after the interaction. This is a very difficult, advanced thing to do. You will fail often. Just remember, you don't know where that Soul is at in their Soul journey. You only have access to the behavior. See what the behavior means for you. If the interaction reveals something to you, or about you, thank them, on an internal level, for showing you an imbalance in yourself that you did not know was there.