

Why do humans insist, emphatically, that a completely self-appointed and utterly arbitrary system of control, like government or religion, recognize them as special?

Why to people feel the final arbiter of their consciousness expression are institutions responsible for the Crusades, Vietnam and Global Poverty, are the best and most important systems of recognition?

War, What Is It Good For?

So, why is this important to you? If you were not aware that music is being used to manipulate you in a myriad of ways you should know this. That playlist in the store has been created to make you, yes make you, buy, buy, buy. That music purporting violence, gangs, guns and telling it how it is in the streets is being created to make people violent. The music added to movies, ads and websites is being added to manipulate you. It is all a seemingly chaotic, but well crafted system designed to get you to hand over your Freewill because you heard a classic love song played over a travel commercial for Hawaiian vacations. Stop and listen… with this information in mind.

In the last one hundred years, since the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank debt note, the world has spent some 100 trillion dollars on weapons to kill human bodies. The 100 trillion is really a guess as there is no real way to quantify any of it but in the U.S. the
on-book defense budget is nearly 1 trillion a year so 100 trillion worldwide for 100 years is probably a gross underestimate.

From nuclear weapons, to stealth aircraft, to drones, to assault rifles, to chemical weapons to some really scary electronic weapons. It has all been designed, manufactured and in a great many cases used on the population that created the weapons. Officially there have been some 200 million dead in the last 100 years due to this effort and untold damage in other ways.

These truths are not new of course, but today’s question is this: Why do the Earther Human Body expression so gleefully and diligently pay for, and produce, the very weapons used to control and kill them?

An assault rifle is created by Joe Smith in a factory in small town America to be used on Joe Smith’s cousin should he get out of line. Should Joe get out of line, the bullet will be used on him. 100 trillion dollars, a near infinite amount of energy, has been spent by the people of the planet creating weapons of control or death by them
to be used on them.

Even more disturbing is the waste issue. Nuclear power was created as a rouse to get the populace to pay for and create the materials for nuclear weapons. The intended creation of nuclear power plants was not power, but weapons grade material. Now, the waste from those creations, but the bombs, the tests and the plants is poisoning the planet at an alarming rate and yet of that 100 trillion very little if any has been spent protecting the world from the waste. So not only have we agreed to pay for and build the weapons of our demise, we’ve been forced to live in the toxic waste created by the effort.

No politician, or king, has every built an armory himself.

Why do humans so readily build their own prisons, their own tools of enslavement without so much as a second thought?

Medical Confusion

Recently several people I know have left the Earth. While on Earth they manifested cancer – cancer is never the “cause” of death, choice is the cause. While experiencing cancer they also experienced “treatment” which seemed way worse then the ailment and I wondered if vacating the Earth might not have been hastened in order to escape the treatment.

I read a recent survey that said that most doctors would not take the treatments they prescribed for cancer. Not surprising.

It got me thinking. Were I to swallow many “cancer treatments” by accident at my home it would be poison. My friend’s dog swallowed his cancer treatment and 15k later the dog was barely alive. Yet, because that same chemical is injected at an office it is “medicine?” Were I to have the radiation machine they use for cancer treatment at my home it would be illegal and very, very dangerous for my health. Yet receiving radiation treatment at an office is considered medicine? Certain chemicals used in the treatment of cancer require the patient to stay away from others, lest they injure the anyone who isn’t containing the treatment in their body. Again, if the patient has it, it is treatment, but if another non-patient were to get near it, it would be poison? The most common sense approach to health is one must build up the immune system in order to defeat any invaders. In fact, it is your immune system that has access to all parts of your body – no chemical agent does. Yet, cancer is a special ailment that requires one to destroy the immune system in order to… well I’m not sure what the point is, as the mental gymnastics needed to make that equation work are above my pay grade.

The EPA says that mercury in any form is a serious environmental hazard; Mercury is very bad news according to the government’s most powerful agency. Yet in a Dentist office good old mercury is medicine? The effects of mercury on us and the Earth a serious issue – mad hatters disease was due to mercury in hats, yet in order to save the Earth from us humans we have decided that MORE mercury in homes and landfills is go-green-good for the environment? I ask, how is it that mercury lighting your home is green and healthy when that same mercury in the landfill will get the EPA to fine you into oblivion?

Fluoride is also seen as an EPA poison. Were I to happen upon a barrel by the side of the road it would be considered really unhealthy for me to take a swig. Yet, putting huge quantities of fluoride in the water and swallowing it is considered medicine? The toothpaste container containing fluoride says to call an emergency disease center if you swallow the paste, yet it is not considered toxic to brush your teeth with it?

The Question:
Why are the embodied Human-Beings so prone to seeing something as being a medicine and a poison at the same time without any conflict?

In keeping with the medical theme this post will have two questions.

Question 2

This one is a truth that is hard to reconcile. Ages ago my father chose to manifest an odd disease. It was odd in that it usually afflicted younger women, not older men. I recall Carolyn Myss’ assessment of “scleroderma” as being spot on for him. As a result the family was involved in the world of charity fund raising to find a cure. There were two competing, warring, factions involved in the race to a cure. This is not uncommon as you can see this of course in cancer; AIDS, MS cure chasing as well. What I found impossible to grasp was that these folks were raising money, and a lot of it, to give to some University or research lab in order for them to develop a “treatment” (cures are against the law). While that part made some sense to me, the fact that once this “treatment” was developed it was then going to be sold to a pharmaceutical company, which was going to then sell the treatment at an exorbitant rate to the very people who donated in the first place. There was little chance my father was going to get a discount for the countless dollars that when to employ these technicians.

What I could see in the process that donating money meant that one day you were going to have to pay for a treatment you were working to develop by your donations so it had to pay off for the company that was going to patent the treatment. If the lab or University discovered eating 20 apples a day would cure the disease I doubt the information would be released. If the lab or University developed a 1000k dollar a month treatment, like the original “AIDS cocktail” it would then be patented by chemical company x, and I know the information would be released and the treatment sold to all the charitable donors at full price.

What is going on when the process of charitable donation, a positive effort if there ever was one, is rewarded with singular ownership of the communal effort? What is going on when that patented treatment is to be sold to those who can pay – the opposite of what the charitable process was all about in the first place? Is our inherent need to assist being exploited by those who crave control and ownership over all things? Did the Native Americans patent the medicine man’s treatments
and sell them off to the tribal members who could afford it? Do the aboriginals, those left, hoard treatments and dole them out to only those who deserve it?


Every person should know about money, in particular fiat currency. If you went to public school this topic was avoided on purpose, so you are forgiven for not having learned in school. But… after you got out of school and started dealing money, debt, credit cards and so on you should have thought to find out all about money.

To start here are two truism’s about rich people: 1. Rich people do not get rich by spending money. They never spend money on stupid things. A rich person will not spend 1000 dollars monthly on a car payment and live in an 800 apartment. Rich people do not buy crap because advertising tells them to. So, rich people do not spend money to get rich. 2. Rich people use other people’s money to get rich, not their own. In fact, most often the use the money of the guy willing to spend 1k on a car while living in a dump.


1: A bank has 100 dollars in deposits from their customers. The bank loans out 100,000 dollars to 10 different people who want to borrow money for a house. Where did the 100,000 dollars come from?

2. On its 100,000 dollar investment the bank expects to get a return of 300,000 dollars of compound interest from these borrows. Where does the 300,000 dollars come from? In this case I do not mean which people, or via what mechanism, I mean where does the interest money itself come from?

My guess is few if any answered the question properly and it is the second question that is most important.

Find out the answer


Why is it that clean, unadulterated water and food is so hard to find?

Why is it that clean, unaltered, just the way it was 100 years ago food is so expensive and considered “special?”

Why is food and water a commodity that is auctioned off to the highest bidder, even though Earth gave us the planet to use in our quest for experience for free?

Why is water tainted with prozac, chloramines, fluoride, antibiotics, pesticides considered - by anyone at all, as perfectly acceptable?

Why is water hoarded by people cannot take possession of it? Why are some folks, a handful, allowed to gamble on food/water leaving the consumer to pay for any losses?

What exactly are basic human rights if the right to food is not one of them? Consider, if you cannot pay for food you starve.

I do not want water with medication (toxic fluoride) so why must I be forced to pay for water with it?

The Law Is For You

From time to time I will post a question designed to increase your awareness. There of course is no right answer, but my hope is that by thinking about the concepts in the question you will increase your awareness just a little bit.

Background: The planet itself is full of laws, millions of laws in place and enforced to control the behavior of the inhabitants of the planet. We have laws that govern the length of the grass in your yard, the jobs you can have, the places you can travel. We have laws that dictate every single aspect of your life. I had a professor once who offered “A” to anyone who could present him with one thing they did that wasn’t controlled by the government in some way - no school work at all, just an “A.” In the 20 years he asked the question he never gave out an “A” and I of course failed to garner one too - this was 1982. Each law is usually enforced with the cracking whip of a fine, or the loaded gun of jail time. Each individual at any given moment is breaking dozens, if not hundreds, of laws that would result in untold fines, levy’s and jail time. We humans demand the laws to control us. For me it is like the sword of Damocles, but I fear I am alone in this feeling.

Question: Why do you feel that laws, fines and jail time, as well as the threats of punitive action toward YOUR behavior is the best way to control YOU?

Let me be clear, the question is not about your neighbor, I know why he needs laws to keep him in check, what I want to ask about here is why
YOU feel YOU need laws to keep YOU in check. Ask yourself, how do you know your personal behavior must be controlled by laws?

Again, this not about society, the rule of law, the neighbors, the terrorists or anyone other then you, yourself, (your name):

Why do I feel that laws, fines and jail time, as well as the threats of punitive action toward
ME and MY behavior is the best way to control ME?

Maybe you don’t need laws and fines to regulate your behavior for the common good of all around you?