celebrity worship

Celebrity Worship Article

The World Of Celebrity Worship

Someone recently asked me why people worship celebrities, even those with seemingly no talent at all? The answer probably isn’t what you think.

First off, we don’t worship celebrities, the celebrities are created by the worshiping action. Before there is a celebrity, there is a person, who may or may not have a talent others are interested in being a part of, and through the convergence of several factors you might not have considered something happens to transform that someone, someone just like you, into

In this article I’ll show you why folks are obsessed with celebrity and give you some tools to expand your awareness about the whole world of entertainment, TV, movies, music and more. Hopefully this information will have you seeing the TV people in a whole new way.

Excerpt from the article:

I was looking a picture of a indigenous tribe in the amazon standing around the TV and wondered why they cared to look at it. Why did these people suddenly drop everything to stare a the flickering light? There are two parts, the first part is the vision part, the visions they once had in their head were suddenly in front of them, in a less “fleeting” fashion. The other component to their focus is the flickering light. The flickering light puts the brain into an Alpha brain wave state 8-12hz, usually within thirty seconds of viewing. What is the Alpha brain wave state? The Alpha Brain Wave State is the vision quest state of course, not quite the deep level where one is not cognizant of the reality around them, but more a waking vision quest state, a kind of modern hybrid state. See where things are going? The flickering light of the TV puts the viewer in the vision quest state, albeit a far cry from the original, more spiritual formula, and once in the state, the brain works to assemble the fleeting single frames into their vision just as they have done for ages. What used to happen in your head, is now happening outside your head. No wonder it seems so natural to us.

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