The Wasting Of Time

The Wasting Of Time

I am now 15945 days old, 43.75 years - 382,680 hours spent on planet earth. Being at the midpoint of my life I’ve decided to take stock. Rather than looking at what I’ve accomplished to this point or determine what I still have left to do, I’m going to look at the time I’ve wasted and how it was wasted. Perspective is needed to evaluate the myriad of life’s events so I have decided to see what didn’t contribute to my evolution as my guide. The 23 hours I’ve wasted by being dropped on the cell phone has not contributed to my evolution. The 2 hours I spent viewing the Mona Lisa contributed immeasurably.

The purpose of life is to learn as much about yourself and your environment as you can through your interactions with what you encounter. Through this process we achieve awareness, then understanding and hopefully our experiences lead to knowingness about ourselves and the world. Yet life is filled with time wasters, experiences that don’t seem to lead to anything in particular, let alone knowingness about who and what I am.

Of my 382,680 hours I’ll subtract 127,560 hours off the top for sleep; leaving 255,120 hours spent doing everything from eating Mexican food, engaging in sex and being perfectly stupefied by the game of golf – activities that are clearly not a waste of time.

I consider the first two years of my life a total waste. Diapers, baby food, gurgling and baby talk from my parents add up to make this an obvious waste - that and I can’t remember a thing about those two years. 17520 hours wasted...

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