
by A. Ritter
from Harmonizing Statements (LINK)

Self, you, is a complex system of expression. Here we see “Mary” as a serene calm overseer of her various aspects, Mary is a “Personality” aspect of her Higher-Self or Soul. Each aspect of Mary exists, in its entirety, within Mary’s Personality-self, and then again within Mary’s Soul-self. The infant-self exists, the teenage-self exists, the mother-self exists - all are aspects contained within. At forty-years-old, Mary’s focus of attention has shifted from infant to forty-year old but the various parts of her are still there. Mary can shift her consciousness to any aspect at anytime. Forty-year-old Mary may experience a conflict that brings out her infant self, resulting in screaming and crying in a classic infant way, and while her body may not reflect a return to infant-self, her screaming and crying will surely show another that she has reached into her aspect field and accessed something very young. Anything can trigger a return to a younger-self. For example, listening to music you listened to in high school will access the high schooler in you, activating the resonances acquired at that time. A visit to mommy and daddy’s house for dinner can activate an infant-self. When this happens, the resonances attached to that aspect are activated and they might need some balancing. The presence of younger aspects can show us where we need balancing if we take the opportunity to self-reflect - we’ll cover the ways to address balancing later. The image below shows you that all parts of you exist, aspects do not die simply because your body gets older.

All aspects of self exist with the matrix of Personality.


Soul, you, is the container of many Personality you’s. Each one exists, in its entirety, within Soul’s matrix. They are all you, the Personalities are different, the incarnational experiences are different, but they are all you. Each incarnation is unique: man, woman, banker, doctor, thief, homeless, rich etc. Each Personality you, and each aspect of that Personality, all exist within the greater Soul matrix. A complex system of separation keeps each incarnated personality having their own purity of experience, whether in a body or not, as each Personality exists as an individual expression of Soul.

All incarnations exist within the matrix of Soul.

We can see in our Soul image that each Personality aspect exists without full knowingness about the other incarnational experiences or the unified Soul container they are all housed in. The Personalities are all looking to come to the Knowingness that within their network; All Is One = Soul.

The Soul is doing the same thing. Within the Creator matrix, the Soul exists in separation; not Knowing that it is part of the All/Creator. Soul is looking to come to Know that it is part of the All by having experiences through its various Personalities, experiences that will teach the entirety of Soul that; All is One = Creator. The equation looks something like; Personalities look to Know Soul, Soul looks to Know Creator.

It is helpful here to understand that Knowing is not “thinking” or “desiring,” or “belief” but actually Knowing, at all levels, that All is One. Belief is not the same as Knowingness, “I believe I am one with the Creator” is not the same thing as “Knowing” it. Any given being’s process goes from basic separation through a process of ever increasing self-awareness until a complete Knowing that All Is One. This process is: Experience leads to awareness, awareness leads to understanding, understanding leads to Knowingness. This equation can be seen at the micro level; I gained some experience of the piano through playing it, my awareness of it’s full capability grew as I continued to explore it, eventually I understood the nature of the instrument and finally came to a comfort level that can only be described as a Knowingness - this taught me something deep about myself. The equation works on the macro level as well through the Soul based process, life experience leads to awareness and understanding about aspects of existence (learning to enslave others or be enslaved by others) and this in turn adds to the totality of the Soul’s experience which is also leading to Knowingness of All is One. We can pull back even further in our image sequence and see that the Creator is a larger Soul, housing an infinite number of Souls, and Personalities, and Personality aspects within the totality of the All.

The Creator is All: You, me, the other 6.5 billon folks on the planet, the animals, the trees, the stars, the known and the unknown - All That Is. The holographic nature of the Creator means: if one, then all. Each Soul is the Creator, and the Creator is each Soul. You are the All.