The Harmonic Integrator

Here is something that will help you right now or anytime you need! The Harmonic Integrator is a healing and clearing device that uses light, sound and specific tunings to help you clear anything you wish. You can use it to clear your room, your house, your office or a personal topic. Say you came home from work feeling very off, simply sit in front of this page until you feel better. Say your roommate just moved out and left the whole house an energetic mess, simply use your intention to clear the house and play until you feel things are better.

Say you are having trouble at the office, play until you feel better.

Say you have a project that just isn't going well. Place your concern via a post-it on the image and play until things clear up. You may find putting your boss on the device helps resolve some problems that erupted during a meeting.

Use the device in any way your intuition suggests. You'd be surprised what will happen.

Important: you may use the sound down very low without interfering,