
What Are Dreams?

The world of dreams is something that has been a source of wonderment since the dawn of human time. What are dreams? Are they a useful tool? Learn more about the world of your dreams in this article.

The dream state, when one is “sleeping,” is not what people think it is. Once your head hits the pillow your body begins a process of “winding down” and shutting off. Assuming you are not an insomniac, the body will send a little jolt through your system to check and see if you truly are asleep - tossing and turning is how we experience it. Occasionally we will feel real electrical jolt. Once the body feels that you are asleep, you are tossed out of your body. Yes, once you are “sleeping” on the earth plane you are awake on another plane, as you vacate the physical body for realties beyond. Your primary consciousness leaves the body while soul matrix recharges the body with energy.

The body is a battery for energy, energy that comes from your soul matrix. The body is a very weak mechanism in and of itself. Without food or water it dies rather quickly. Without energy, which can only be garnered through sleep, you go nuts and die even faster then without water - try not sleeping for a few days straight and see what happens to your consciousness. You need the process of sleep to recharge the capacitor known as your body and this happens during the eight hours you sleep and at no other time. The rest of the waking hours you exist in the energy you collected the night before as it is spent manifesting the reality you interact with. Our pattern is energy going in at night, energy spent going out during the day - or the opposite if you are night person and sleep during the day.***

Once out of your body the body gets what is known as sleep paralysis. The body is kept in place, with a few moments of movement to keep circulation efficient, in order to keep the energy flowing into the body uninterrupted. Some folks have awakened during the sleep paralysis and find this disturbing, often freaking out because they can’t seem to move their body for a few moments while they are in the paralyzed body. This is rare, but it does happen as the system isn’t perfect. The other thing that can happen when waking up as the energy is flowing in is a feeling of being electrocuted, as the body feels the intense flow of energy while it is flowing rather then after the reloading is complete. While the body is locked in place, and the energy is flowing, you - your consciousness, is long gone. There is no reason to hang about why the body gets a fill-up, there are things to do, places to go, people to see. Note here, you, the you that is not your body, does not need sleep, it is solely your body, and all that this entails that needs the sleep and the energy provided during the resting period.

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