Tilikum Shamoo communication

The Language Of Another

The Language of Another

I recently saw a documentary on Sea World’s Orca Killer Whale named Tilikum. It is an interesting documentary in that it describes the life of a captured Killer Whale and his attacks on the trainers who worked with him. Tilikum has killed three trainers while in captivity.

I have heard it said that some whales and dolphins are Souled beings expressing themselves in those forms in order to experience Earth’s frequencies in a more efficient manner. Life on Earth is about experiencing Earth’s frequencies for Human Souled Beings, The Animal Kingdom, The Plant Kingdom and many others. While many of the Human Beings find themselves taking on a body in order to experience prison, or poverty or working in a bakery, as a way of experiencing Earth and her multitude of frequencies of expression, some Souled Beings have chosen highly conductive salt water as a way to experience her richness in a more efficient manner. So for the sake of discussion it will be stipulated that the Orca is a being greater then or equal to a Human Soul Being in its evolutionary process (not a Human Souled Being personality – like your neighbor, but Eternal Soul expression, as the stipulation also states the Orca is more evolved then the Human body expression like me).

Back in the 70’s a corporate enterprise known as Sea World decided to capture several Orca’s from the Sea and train them. One day Tilikum was swimming with his pod when people he did not know captured him, put him in sling, then onto a boat and dumped him to a water-prison. These folks offered no explanation to Tilikum, who probably had a different name at the time, and he had no way of communicating with them, as they did not speak his language.

To put this in perspective, imagine living in the expanse of the Amazon and being kidnapped at 14 by people who did not speak your language. Imagine them carting you off to a world where you were put on display in a bedroom and asked to perform for others. Imagine that as you tried to convey your displeasure you were ignored, yet you were beaten or starved when you failed to perform the tricks you were being trained to perform for others of the group. Such was Tilikum’s life.

Over the years Tilikum displayed what his human “trainers” termed withdrawal, anger, obstinance and so on. Yet those in charge were baffled by this when in reality they simply could not understand why this more evolved being did not want to be in a tiny water-prison away from his family, friends etc. Since those who kept him caged refused to “listen” to what he said he killed a trainer to get their attention. To the normal human, not the soulless corporation, the act of killing was an act expressing, “let me out now.” To the corporation the act was an act of “get PR on this, get new trainers from another high school and isolate him as punishment.” Of course he was not let out. He killed again, and again. Yet folks still didn’t get it. Consider how dense, or mean, or soulless those involved in this entire effort are. Consider there is no shortage of people willing to “train” or work in the Orca’s prison camp.

What exactly would a being who was imprisoned without consent do to get released? Ask? Beg? Kill? How about all? There is nothing more frustrating then not being able to communicate. There can be nothing more frustrating on Earth then not being able to communicate that one wants to be free. There is a movie that is out called 12 Years A Slave, where a free man is kidnapped to become an enslaved man. For those who are involved in this Tilikum enterprise this is the feel good movie of the year. Seriously, this movie exemplifies what Sea World was after all along.

It seems to me the reason this was done was to show the humans who flocked to the Sea World shows that even the great Orca could be tamed, imprisoned and enslaved. Those who sit in the seats see no harm in imprisoning another being, so therefor they see no harm in they themselves being imprisoned. If the great Killer Whale can be tamed then so to can the great Freewill Human Being that you are. Those who do not see Tilikum as a slave do not see themselves as slave and all is well in delusionville.

If you accept the enslavement of another, you completely and without reservation accept your own enslavement. If you accept the enslavement of those in prison, those in poor countries, those in debt or those in any other form of expression for Freewill is not celebrated you accept enslavement of yourself.

On a side note. The Ten Commandments are a rather funny document to me. It is said that after liberating the slaves, god handed down Ten Commandments for those he liberated to live by. It seems remarkably shortsighted, even Sea World like, that those ten commandments do not ban slavery. I wonder why?